Posted on Aug 24, 2017
Infantry drill sergeants suspended after sexual assault allegations from female recruits
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
I am pretty sure this is just what we all thought would happen. I really doubt that the drill sergeants actually did anything out of line. Many people predicted that when you added females into the combat arms mix that this exact situation would arise; it always does. And I really do fear that in order to keep the experiment going these drill sergeants, these top of the line NCOs are going to pay the price. That's something that really makes this seem like bull. Anyone who understands the kind of people that are allowed to become, and then actually pass the school to be drills knows that these are some of the most high speed, low drag, professional NCOs in the entire army... I will actually be amazed if this turns out to be anything more than a few teenage girls who decided to cry wolf because they got yelled at a little too much...

Suspended Profile
If wrongdoing makes it outside your BN chain of command then it is highly likely that what they did was founded. Unfounded complaints don't make it past Battalion commanders because they deal with it at the lowest level. Not all Drill Sergeants are high speed low drag professionals. If they were we wouldn't be having this discussion. Also they are not teenage girls, they are grown women who volunteered to fight and die as Infantrymen. A large problem in the military is marginalizing other Soldiers accomplishments because they are the wrong MOS, wrong Sex, wrong Orientation, or wrong Faith. A soldier is a soldier until they prove themselves to be less.
SGT Joseph Gunderson
SSG Shawn North - Negative. Issues often times make it outside of the BN, especially those involving things such as SHARP and sexual misconduct. The army is always attempting to save face and many times the careers of good soldiers are ruined even without any evidence to prove the allegations against them. I have personally watched this happen to great people. It can be sugar coated all day long but the truth of the matter is that many people saw events like this occurring when the decision came down to allow females into the combat arms fields. We predicted it. Why? Because we have watched females pull the same crap just working in the same squadrons as combat arms males. I'm not marginalizing anything. I'm saying that at this time I am skeptical. I have seen far too many females cry wolf only to see that when the truth came to light they were still walking around without any repercussions and a man's career was ruined by false allegations. I will remain skeptical until the facts are released.

Suspended Profile
I agree with being skeptical. I agree with what we all predicted would happen. Having been a drill just last year my personal chain of command up to the brigade level was all about processing all allegations the right way. Immediate suspension of the Drill, followed by 15-6 investigation and either founded or unfounded. Unfounded in my experience did not affect any of the Drills that I worked with. I guess I should have said that, in my personal experience.
SGT Joseph Gunderson
SSG Shawn North - Okay, so I suppose my only question is, why exactly was there a need to attack my character over my skepticism?

Suspended Profile
As a former Drill I put the blame on the drills. I kept my hands to myself and my mouth clean and never had a problem. The drills who got in trouble were the ones who actually had sex or sent text messages or assaulted a soldiers. Male and female drills included. If your in a position of power it is attractive to the opposite sex and if you aren't soldier enough to resist the urge you should remove yourself or be removed. The only time you will ever see a story like this is if it is founded. I saw plenty of unfounded situations that were processed appropriately. It was 5 weak soldiers who don't deserve to be called Drill Sergeant anymore.

Suspended Profile
In the article it says "All five drill sergeants identified in the investigation."
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Shawn North - In which article? I have read this one (Navy Times) multiple times and several other articles (approximately 10 different ones) on this incident and none of them state the number 5 or five. That is why I asked. Which article and who was the author or distributer?

Suspended Profile
The army WTF moments article on their facebook page. Probably not the most reliable but that is where I saw the quote above.
SSG Angela Koch
Blame the Drills, a trainee is a trainee until they signed into there first unit. I was on Ft. Leonard Wood MO when incident happened. Trainee's were graduates of OSUT and didn't ship out right away, a DSGT hooked up with them at a hotel while they were on pass. My 1SG said this to all his drills: Don't F k them, don't hit them and don't take their money and I will have your back.
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