SSG Angela Koch

SSG Angela Koch

South Dakota
Dates of Service: Nov 1990 - Jun 2011
61% Complete
5 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,855
22,224 out of 867,292 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC 93
  • SPC
  • SGT 95
  • SSG Jun 01

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Feb 2002 - Dec 2005
Drill Sergeant
I worked as a DSGT and operations NCO with E CO, 787th MP Bn. I lost a good friend on a live fire range. I didn't know the amount of impact on soldiers until I met them in Iraq, and their reaction in seeing me in 06'-07'.
Dec 1999 - Jan 2002
Squad Leader
I worked at a secured site and was there when 9/11 happened. While I was there, I attended BNCOC and Drill Sergeant School.
Nov 1996 - Nov 1999
Team Leader
I was at the 554th MP CO for a short time and volunteered for individual deployment and was assigned to 227th MP CO at Slav Brod Croatia. I met up with the rest of the company as they were redeployed from Hungry. After about 2 1/2yrs I joined the 560th MP CO as a senior customs agent in Stuttgart Germany. Our job was to clear military gear, units redeploying from combat missions and military familes household goods bound for the USA.
1993 - 1996
Traffic Accident Investigator
I gained a tremendous amount of experience in so many different areas concerning law enforcement. The experience ranged from speed enforcement, DUI checkpoints, minor and major traffic accidents to include multiple ejections, training accidents resulting in fatality and several traffic accidents resulting in fatalities. I did drive an ambulance from a vehicle to cow accident which resulted in the cow coming halfway through the windshield. I still remember some of the faces. I loved Ft. Hood!


(1 year, 4 months)
Jun 2006 - Sep 2007
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Deployed with the 57th MP CO out of Camp Carrol, South Korea to Baghdad Iraq. After 15th months we moved th Schofield Bks, Hawii.
Started in 1999
I was in the 560th MP (Customs) and deployed to Hungary for about 2 months to clear a Marine Unit to redeploy back to the states. I remeber clearing a connex and everything had to be taken out so the connex could be cleaned. There was an old ratty desk and I just happen to check the drawers and I found cuban cigars. Now thats 10 cubans at about $1,000.00 plus fine in US. I asked a Gunny Sergeant who owned the desk and he said he had redeployed already as advanced party so I gave him the cigars and said, you can give to troops and smoke them but they can't go in the connex. A few hours later an officer comes to the connex and asks about the cigars and I told him I gave them to the Gunny to give to troops! He wasn't happy, I didn't care.
Started in 1997
Deployed after arriving at the 554th MP CO, Stuttgart, GE. The 554th MP CO was deployed to Hungury, I was sent to Slav Brod, Croatia and I think it was with the 227 MP CO, not sure as it has been a while but did serve under SFC Finley.
Started in 1992
I was deployed 2 months after arriving at Ft. Hood, TX when I was with the 401st MP Co.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Oct 2001 - Nov 2001

Personal Information

Current Location
South Dakota
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