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Responses: 10
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
Judging from the things said it looks like he was perfectly justified in doing so. "Progressives" are a poison to society.
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) Nah, I tend to disagree but you get a vote up anyways!
PO3 Business Advisement
PO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) Your correct.
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SSG Ronald Bloodworth
After reading the article it's easy to see why he would block this group from his twitter account. Seems like the, as a group, have been poking him in the eye since before we elected him. Hell, if I had a group of people dogging me at every turn I'd block their asses too....
That being said, it seems to me that this particular group is willing to work with liberal progressive groups like the ones they have listed in the article but no others. In other words, conservative or independent thinkers need not apply...
In my "never to be humbled" opinion, it is all too apparent that votevets, or whatever they call themselves is a group of Marxist type socialists who would never support anything the president did, no matter what the stakes might be. I think, if the president Trump went out one day and walked on water, they would still end up pulling out their hair and accuse him some type of bigotry or wrongdoing. If president Trump caved tomorrow and gave the Dems and socialists in America every single thing they bitch and moan about every day, they would still hate him. I've dealt with people like that for far too long and experience has taught me that "enough" will never be enough, and they will never be satisfied getting anything they ask for.... Just my opinion.
Fact: Terrorists HAVE infiltrated, and will continue to infiltrate "refugee" populations from all of the countries listed in his EO. A temporary travel ban from those specific locations until a sufficient screening system is NOT a treat to our nation. Allowing unfettered access to those individuals IS a threat.
Fact: Taking concrete action up secure our national borders is NOT a threat to put national security. Allowing and encouraging illegal aliens to violate our nations laws by illegally coming here, without any lawful authority, IS...
Fact: Marriage, as defined in Christian beliefs and in the Holy Bible, as being between a man and woman is NOT a threat to our national security. In fact it is a "religious" conevanent between a husband, his wife, and God alone. Attacking our uniquely American religious freedom, protected by our constitution any demanding that government be allowed to dictate how people of the Christian faith exercise their faith IS.
I could go on but the picture is clear enough....
For a final thought, president Trump's twitter account is his own private property and he has his God given right to block whoever the hell he wants to just like everybody else. How about all the whiny snowflake, crybaby, pantywaste, spoiled, socialists get over yourselves and actually place America above yourselves for once. Might do some good..
SSG Ronald Bloodworth
SSG Ronald Bloodworth
>1 y
I also personally find it extremely hard to believe that the group's membership roles are as high as the article states. I realize anything is possible and I could be wrong; just skeptical.
It's been a very long standing pattern of leftist groups to inflate their numbers as a means of attempting to give themselves clout they wouldn't otherwise have. It has also well established fact that the leftist media and their pundits invariably support their claims and assist in their exaggerations by carefully filming their gatherings ina manner that hides the true numbers, or lack thereof...
Case in point: Filming dem rallies that omit empty seats or curtains ghat hide unoccupied portions of buildings.
---- Focusing only on the speakers and front portions of GOP or conservative events attendees.
---- Deliberately exaggerating numbers of leftist events such as the "Million Man March" the reported numbers by the leftist media exceeded 2 million while the true numbers were far less than even 1 million.
---- Same is true for the more recent "Million Woman March" Attendance was actually very far short of reported numbers.
----- Deliberately understating true attendance at conservative events, such as Trump rallies. That was their constant and predictable attempt to downplay what was actually happening in America in hopes that the coronation of their chosen queen might still somehow take place. In my own opinion, what the press does in every single election is nothing short of their own manner of voter suppression: Tom Brokaw reportied that all Florida polling places had closed in 2000 and proclaimed Gore the winner even though a huge part of the state lies in the central time zone; conducting polls in a manner that produces their own desired result and then telling voters that their preferred candidate cannot be defeated, and is actually increasing their lead. this was especially prevalent in the 2016 election.
---- Deliberately portraying rallies and conservative groups as violent mobs while falsely downplaying leftist/marxist "full blown riots" as mere "protests" even as private and public property is burned, looted, vandalized, and destroyed along with people being violently assaulted and sometimes murdered.
Once again, I could go on and on but the picture is already clear in regards to what is actually occurring.... Just my opinion based on experience and what I see.
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
>1 y
GySgt Melissa Gravila - I never heard of them either Melissa but they have a webpage. http://www.votevets.org/
GySgt Melissa Gravila
GySgt Melissa Gravila
>1 y
I've said it before and here I go again- if the liberals are rioting it's freedom of speech, if conservatives peacefully protest we are gun toting deplorable psychotic rednecks.
SSG Ronald Bloodworth
SSG Ronald Bloodworth
>1 y
Gun toting deplorable? I'll take it...
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SGT James (Jimmy) Crone
I just want to ask who the heck is Votevets.org never heard of them and why aren't the for any of the policies U.S. is making? What are they 3, the travel ban is to keep suspected terrorists from entering U.S. What a bunch of hypocrits. Saw the ad they ran and in my opinion i will never join that group of idiots.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
Well one thing is for certain, the last thing VoteVets is for is Democracy in the United States.
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