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Responses: 24
SGT Eric Knutson
well Sgt, if I was there then I didn't see a thing, since he couldn't take the polite hint to wait for the right time and place, and he barged in where (appearantly) he did not belong, sounds to me like he NEEDED some wall to wall counselling pretty badly. wish we could give it to a few more of them as well just my humble opinion
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
SGT Eric Knutson - You state that irritation warrants criminal action. The witness on the scene say that the Reported did not acts aggressively, and those witnesses include both mainstream, liberal and right wing press. Even the thug does not claim that he was hit so your hypothetical is not very plausible.

Your civil rights never extent to violence to someone that is not-a threat.
SGT Eric Knutson
SGT Eric Knutson
>1 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Didn't say they did, I also do not know that mans history, are you telling me that you know of no one, whom it would be a really bad idea to pop a balloon behind them? Or people who do not claim something, even though they have every right to do so? And what is criminal action these day? People who are truly trying to do the best they can get sent to prison because they hurt someones feelings, kids being expelled for pointing their fingers at each other while they have fun? While a serial rapist or murderer gets to walk out of jail because someone felt "sorry" for them. Who ARE the criminals today? not a single person in this country who has not run afoul of some law somewhere often without even knowing it exists. But the left (who like to "champion" so many things) like putting and end to bullying, are in fact the biggest bullies, trying to push people around, and I will tell you the best way to treat a bully, and that is to knock him on his ass, because the only thing a bully understands is that someone out there is bigger and stronger than he is. And that has been proven over and over time and again,
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
SGT Eric Knutson - This action is a criminal action now and it wa a criminal action in the old days. He did not hurt the mans feeling he physically attacked him.

It was not just technically breaking an obscure law it was breaking a law known by everyone over the age of 6 or so in front of witness.
SGT Eric Knutson
SGT Eric Knutson
>1 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Top, I am not going to argue with you, I see that you were one of those in the office (doing important work I will support) but not out having to deal with things in the wild and woolly, probably didn't spank your kids either. All I saw here was a spoiled kid getting spanked after he was told not now. Did the candidate over react, probably, did the reporter push over the line of decorum, YES. And this will be my last comment on this thread.
I truly wish you and yours a happy and prosperous life Top, and good luck to you.
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SGT AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
Edited >1 y ago
For those of you who think "the reporter deserved it", let me point out a few things:

1. After listening to the recording, do you really hear a reporter hounding the attacker? He was not even finished asking again before the attacker pounced.

2. Do you really think he should have been attacked for doing his job? All he asked about was the CBO scoring and since when did any reporter NOT repeat a question or ask one at an inopportune place or time?

3. Did you realize that this reporter also wrote about the attacker's alleged ties to sanctioned Russian companies? No, well here is the link- https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/apr/28/greg-gianforte-republican-candidate-congress-russia-companies

4. Lets go back to the "aggressive" nature of the reporter as stated by the attacker's campaign manger. Did you hear the reporter speaking in an aggressive manner or shoot let's look at the Fox News team account of events ( did you actually read it) which was corroborated by others.

5. As an update.....The attacker has been charged with Misdemeanor Assault, but assault nonetheless.

Some self reflection on the subject may be needed by some in my humble opinion.
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SSgt Gary Andrews
I guess Montana politics are a little rough and tumble compared to the rest of the country.
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Gary Andrews
>1 y
Guess he forgot to grab the rifle out of the rack in his pick up.
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