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Responses: 42
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
People really need to try to verify things that they find on the Internet.

This is a mixture of truth and fiction. As part of social studies curriculum there were seventh graders throughout California who did study ancient Muslim cultures and the impact of Islam on world history but it was one of eleven units that made up that year's social studies course. It wasn't indoctrination into a particular religion. The intent of the schools was to teach the position of the belief system in history - not Islam itself. Apparently the standards handed down by the state weren't very clearly defined. The standard for that unit was: “Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the civilizations of Islam in the Middle Ages.” The breakdown of that goal is where the confusion set in. Each school district got to decide how to meet the California standards in this unit. So that's where you get different styles of teaching and some schools probably didn't do it very well with the dress up or role playing.

I don't see a problem with teaching about how religion played a role into the shaping of world history. If you spend time on different religions and the history of the religions - ok. If people start indoctrinating (whether Islam or Christianity or any religion) yes that's an issue. But it doesn't seem like anyone was purposely trying to "indoctrinate" kids. They took a broad set of standards and tried to teach it to their kids the way they thought their kids would learn in those schools that did it. There's nothing wrong with kids learning about other beliefs or cultures. That's why you should probably not have teachers who have no background in world religions teaching it. Also the state should better define the curriculum.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
SSgt Christopher Brose - I searched this and found out the story behind it. Obviously the reporters who did that segment didn't.
PFC Roger Goff
PFC Roger Goff
>1 y
You know SFC Kelly Fuerhoff unless you intend to research each of these posts and create a synopsis for me so I can more intelligently respond, I suggest you dismount your high horse, and give me a F'ing break. I read the post and watched the video. Then I commented on what had been presented!

I have no intention of attempting to verify every post before I respond to it. If that's what you do, fine, but don't expect others to do the same. Don't come lecture me with your "holier than thow attitude".
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
PFC Roger Goff - Excuse me? What "high horse" am I on? How the hell was I "holier than thou?" In my reply to you I said that it was one of 11 units. Simply one. YOU said it seemed Islam got more time than others but it didn't. So I clarified for you that in fact it was only one of 11 units in the class.

If you're going to take everything you read at face value and not research it then you are part of the problem in this country.

How about you give me a "f*ing" break because your response to me was completely uncalled for and unnecessary. The only one who acts like he is on a high horse or holier than thou is you. I never lectured you. I made a simple comment. If you can't handle simple comments without replying to people the way you do, then perhaps you shouldn't be on the Internet. I was under the assumption in a discussion thread people reply to other comments to continue the discussion. You must not have been aware of that. Nothing in my reply to you was personal or holier than thou.
PFC Roger Goff
PFC Roger Goff
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff Fair enough. To me the way you used "one" three times in three sentences just "sounded" like I was being talked down to. Not being familiar with your typical way of expressing your self, and in the absence of body language or tone of voice, it just seemed "harsh". Myself, when I want to put a lot of emphasis on something I would probably repeatedly us it in my "speech" to get my point across.

As for researching everything and being part of the problem. You are entitled to you opinion. I personally feel that if I have to spend all my time doing research that life would be really boring. I research things at work all the time and come on here as an escape from that. So if I have to do that here as well then there is no point of me visiting this forum. Seeing as I enjoy talking with others here, I'm unlikely to change. If that makes me a problem, than I'm a problem. I've been called worse things by better people.

Have a nice day!
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SrA Edward Vong
Edited >1 y ago
Public schools should not teach religion, but rather the philosophy behind religion. Then again, even going to a Catholic school, I'm against private school based on religion.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
MCPO Roger Collins - "[T]hey spent an inordinate amount of time on Islam" - that's not correct. There are 40 weeks in the school year in California. The Islam section of the text was 1 out of 11 sections. Islam got 3 weeks, while a 1/11 share would have been 3.6 weeks.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
I could care less about what CA does. My information came from a student that actually attended this teaching. Also, due to complaints from the citizens, the curriculum is being modified. My statement stands here in TN.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
MCPO Roger Collins - the linked article was about CA. If you're talking about something else, that wasn't clear from your comment, so I addressed the CA curriculum. If you'll post a link to what you are talking about, I'll be happy to talk about it.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
Yes, the video was about CA, but quickly transformed into public schools, in general. Since that would include me. Unless CA exempted them from CC, the curriculum should be similar.
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MSgt Assistant Flight Chief
It just flat out shouldn't be! Speaking for public schools of course.
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