Posted on May 4, 2017
Feinstein Says There is No Evidence of Collusion Between Trump Associates and Russia
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 7
My California Senator Dianne Feinstein actually saying it's a non-issue wow
LTC (Join to see)
Cpl Joshua Caldwell - Dianne Feinstein Jerry Brown names that won't go away. I haven't lived in California since 2006 but Governor Jerry Brown and Dianne Feinstein have been around since at least I was in high school and I graduated in 1980 LOL rumor has it that she was able to get a gun permit decades ago While most Californians can't
Trump Kicks CBS Reporter Out of Oval Office
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I'll bite. Hey Right when do you have a sitting president who makes claims about another president but refuses to elaborate on them. If you cam claim it, you should stand by it....right? Trump brought this on himself.
Cpl (Join to see)
BO blamed bush for several things without evidence and even blamed bad cops without evidence or even a conviction. I see bad behavior on both sides. I'm not justifying it either, but until I see the left call out their own heros, I'll play that game.
SSG Warren Swan
Cpl (Join to see) - I feel you, but in a debate, claiming wiretapping is a stretch, and when you claim this and it comes back that you're not telling the truth, plus you're using wikki? Bush Jr, wouldn't use wikki as a credible source, so why did Trump? Obama DID blame things on Bush I will concede. Some is expected, but O never used wikki as a source, and didn't gloat over them one second, then press charges when his house begins to fall. I'm gonna admit where O was wrong, just as Jr was. Trump takes it to another level of wrong. This video was cropped; in the longer one, Trump brings up the wiretapping himself. WHY open a door on a journalist and not expect him to come on on you? Too easy. YOU would go in of O did the same. Then to say you "Stand by nothing when you made the claim, and make your own opinion", c'ome on would light up someone's life if that door was that open.
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