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Responses: 9
CPT Jack Durish
Arrogance is not a bad thing in a leader. In fact, it is a necessary trait. However, when combined with ignorance, you get hubris and then you get President Obama. No, I'm not saying he was "stupid". "Ignorance" is merely the lack of knowledge. "Stupidity" is the inability to learn. President Obama could have learned much but surrounded himself with sycophants and ignored the few who had something constructive to offer. As he often said, he was a better speech writer than his speech writers, a better politician than his political advisors, etc, etc, etc. He never learned because he refused to learn and thus America and the world suffered.
Cpl Joshua Caldwell
Cpl Joshua Caldwell
>1 y
obama seemed to go out of his way to remain as ignorant as possible.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
All great points CPT Jack Durish
SPC Daniel Joslin
SPC Daniel Joslin
>1 y
GySgt John Olson - So what is worse, someone who changes his mind and does something good for someone else or someone who refuses to be persuaded no matter the situation because that would show that he is no infallible.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
GySgt John Olson - ...then came the chemical attack. Circumstances change and decisions must change with them, mustn't they? Trump was commenting on the situation that existed when Obama was President. All reasonable comments in my opinion.
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Cpl Software Engineer
As many on the left would call Trump a Putin puppet, it was BO who gave in to Russia after his "red line" warning or was he just a coward. Either way, the US lost credibility on the world stage. How about that demwits, your puppet dance just lost it's feet.
LCpl Mike Calhoun
LCpl Mike Calhoun
>1 y
And Obama was against gay marriage, right up until he wasn't just before the 2012 election. He said he "evolved" on the issue. Not that Trump's decision is even in the same league as gay marriage, but I say that to say this: Trump did what was morally right, not what was politically expedient. People here I have read over two days literally cannot give appreciation to Trump for saving children from being gassed, or at least providing retribution. He saved the children that Obama let die, let's face it, if something was done like Obama said would happen if gas was used, events in Syria would have taken a different trajectory. God bless President Trump.
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
>1 y
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD - That's the usual pattern when a country devalues its currency. They keep repeating that there is no such action being contemplated --- right up to when they devalue.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
GySgt John Olson, We get it. You haaaate Trump. No matter what he does it will be wrong in your opinion-- not that it matters. Are you paid to troll this website? If not, Soros might be hiring...
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
>1 y
Not everyone agrees with you gunny. Has anyone asked the refugees if they really want to leave or are many of them leaving cowards who refuse to fight for their families and homes.

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SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
Cpl Joshua Caldwell roger that, great read/share! The truth is the truth!
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