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Responses: 6
LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
Thanks for providing the background to the sinking of Japan's mammoth battleship Yamato (大和). SGT John " Mac " McConnell
Images: Yamato in trial sea voyage during 1941; Yamato's senior officers just before Ten-Go; Potopenie Yamato; Yamato's Final Voyage
Final Voyage in Detail from Japanese perspective.
"5 April 1945: Operation Ten-Ichi-Go - ("Heaven Number One"):
1359: A detailed order is received: "The Surface Special Attack Unit is ordered to proceed via Bungo Suido Channel at dawn on Y-1 day to reach the prescribed holding position for a high-speed run-in to the area west of Okinawa at dawn on Y-day. Your mission is to attack the enemy fleet and supply train and destroy them. Y-day is April 8th."
1500: Captain Aruga informs his assembled crew about the sortie.
1730: Sixty-seven naval cadets of Etajima class No. 74,
who arrived three days before, are sent ashore. Then a farewell party is held aboard the YAMATO.

6 April 1945:Operation Ten-I-Go ("Heaven Number One") The Attack on the U.S. Invasion Forces at Okinawa:
At the Mitajiri anchorage. In the early morning, Vice Admiral Kusaka Ryunosuke (former CO of CV AKAGI), Chief of Staff of the Combined Fleet, accompanied by Cdr Mikami Sakuo of the Combined Fleet Staff arrive by a float biplane from Kanoya to confer about the mission with Vice Admiral Ito, Commander, Second Fleet and staff.
This Potopenie Yamato map [above] illustrates well the final voyage of Yamato. On 6th of April, she lefts Tokyama towards Okinawa, where she is supposed to demolish the Allied forces invading the island. The following morning at 8.20 she is spotted by Allied planes from the Task Force 58, who soon return with force. Yamato puts up a tremendous battle but being ill-equipped for aerial combat and being totally without air-support, the battle is hopeless. A bomb hits the ammunition storage of Yamato which explodes and sinks at 2.43 PM on 7th April. Less than 300 men survive out of 2700. Map from Karol Bohm.

The sick and some older sailors disembark. The YAMATO departs Mitajiri for the Tokuyama Oil Depot. The YAMATO takes on 3, 400 tons of fuel oil. (Enough for one way only). The destroyers also refuel.

1520: Departs Tokuyama escorted by DesDiv 43: HANAZUKI, KAYA, MAKI as far as the Bungo Suido where the destroyers detach for port. Vice Admiral Ito, leads the Surface Special Attack Force: YAMATO, DesRon 2's light cruiser YAHAGI, DesDiv 17: ISOKAZE, HAMAKAZE, YUKIKAZE, DesDiv 21: KASUMI, HATSUSHIMO, ASASHIMO, DesDiv 41: FUYUZUKI and SUZUTSUKI. Earlier, two Nakajima A6M2-N "Rufe" float planes and six submarine chasers are dispatched to search the area.

1830: The Attack Force negotiaties the western channel of Bungo Suido at 22 knots when a patrol plane radios the YAMATO that it has sighted an enemy submarine ten miles from Tsukudajima. The Attack Force changes course to 140 degrees and assumes an anti-submarine formation. To avoid a submarine in the Hyuga-nada, the force changes to a westerly course. The escorting destroyers move ahead and the whole group begins zigzagging. A lookout on the ISOKAZE spots the submarine USS THREADFIN (SS-410) on the surface.

2100: The Attack Force swings to the south to avoid a possible torpedo attack.

2144: The THREADFIN radios a detailed sighting report of the Attack Force's presence in the Bungo Suido to COMSUBPAC at Guam. The report is intercepted by the YAMATO. Later, the USS HACKLEBACK (SS-295) also sights the Attack Force and reports, but neither submarine is able to close the range for an attack.

7 April 1945:
0200: The Attack Force, zigzagging at 22 knots on a southerly course, passes the Miyazaki coast and reaches the entrance to Osumi Kaikyo Channel. Speed is slowed to 16 knots.

0600: The YAMATO launches her Aichi E13A1 Type 0 "Jake" reconnaissance floatplane.

0630: Six Mitsubishi A6M "Zeke" fighters of Vice Admiral Ugaki's 5th Air Fleet's 203rd Naval Air Group arrive to provide air cover. For the next three and one-half hours, a total of 14 "Zekes" from the Kasanbara air base on Kyushu, provide cover in small groups. The YAMATO's "Jake" returns to Kyushu.

0657: The ASASHIMO begins lagging behind the force with engine trouble.

0832: The Attack Force is sighted by a searching Grumman F6F "Hellcat" from the USS ESSEX (CV-9).

0840: The Attack Force briefly sights seven "Hellcat" fighters, but they are not seen by the escorting "Zekes".

1014: The Attack Force sights two large Martin "Mariner" PBM flying boats. The Japanese also spot the HACKLEBACK trailing the Attack Force.

1017: The YAMATO turns towards the planes and opens fire unsuccessfully as does the cruiser YAHAGI. While the YAHAGI jams their sighting messages, the YAMATO receives a report from a Japanese scout plane that Task Force 58 has been located east of Okinawa, 250 nautical miles from the Attack Force.

1018: The aircraft are lost behind the clouds. Both ships cease firing.

1022: The Attack Force turns towards Sasebo.

1107: The YAMATO's Type 13 air search radar operator reports contact with a large aircraft formation at his set's maximum range of 63 miles. He reports the formation at bearing 180, heading north, and splitting into two groups. All ships increase speed to 25 knots and commence a simultaneous turn.

1115: A report that had been delayed for 25 minutes by transmission and decoding, is received finally. It says that the Kikaigashima Island lookout station saw 150 carrier planes heading northwest. Just then, eight F6F "Hellcats" appear and begin circling over the force to maintain contact until the main formation arrives. The YAMATO and the YAHAGI open fire, increase speed to 24 knots and commence a series of sharp evasive maneuvers.

Air search reports two groups of aircraft, range 44 miles, closing at high speed. The sky is still overcast and visibility is poor. Then radar reports the closing aircraft have turned towards the force. The Attack Force resumes zigzagging.

1129: The Attack Force turns to course 205, towards Okinawa.

1222: A lookout spots three Japanese troopships on bearing 0250 heading for Amami-Oshima.

1232: A lookout spots American planes 25 degrees to port, elevation 8, range 4,375 yards, moving to port. This is the first wave of 280 aircraft (132 fighters, 50 bombers, 98 torpedo planes) from Task Group 58. 1: USS HORNET (CV-12), HANCOCK (CV-19), BENNINGTON (CV-20), BELLEAU WOOD (CVL-24) and the SAN JACINTO (CVL-30) and from Task Group 58. 3: USS ESSEX (CV-9), BUNKER HILL (CV-17), BATAAN (CVL-24) and the CABOT (CVL-28).

Lagging behind the main force, the destroyer ASASHIMO is attacked and sunk by aircraft from the SAN JACINTO.

1234: The YAMATO opens fire with her two forward main turrets and AA guns.

1235: The YAMATO stops zigzagging and increases speed to 24 knots. Her nine 18.1-inch guns firing "Sanshikidan" beehive shells, twenty-four 127-mm. AA guns and one hundred fifty-two 25-mm AA guns all open fire. The American planes release their bombs and torpedoes and strafe the bridge with machine-gun fire.

1240: The YAMATO is hit by two AP bombs. Smoke rises from the vicinity of the mainmast and a bomb explodes in the same area. The aft secondary battery fire control, secondary gun turret and the air search radar are knocked out.
The Attack Force changes course to 100 degrees. "Helldivers" from the BENNINGTON and the HORNET attack from port. At flank speed, the YAMATO commences a right turn but two 1000-lb AP bombs hit her. The first explodes in the crew's quarters abaft the Type 13 radar shack. The second penetrates the port side of the aft Command station and explodes between the 155-mm gun magazine and main gun turret No. 3's upper powder magazine. It starts a fire that cannot be extinguished and rips a 60-foot hole in the weather deck. One "Helldiver" is shot down, another is damaged badly.

1243: A section of five low flying "Avengers" from the HORNET start a torpedo run from the port, bearing 70 degrees. The YAMATO, at 27 knots flank speed, heels to starboard in evasive action. The "Avengers" drop three torpedoes. One strikes her port side near the forward windlass room. One "Avenger" is shot down.

The YAMATO ships 2,350-tons of water. Damage Control counterfloods with 604-tons of water. Fourteen F4U Chance-Vought "Corsairs" from the BUNKER HILL strafe and rocket the YAMATO but cause only minor damage. Hundreds of men are trapped inside when the water-tight compartments are sealed to prevent further flooding.

1245: Thirty-four "Hellcats", 22 "Helldivers" and one "Corsair" attack the YAMATO's escorts. DesDiv 17's HAMAKAZE takes a near miss on her starboard quarter that disables her starboard shaft.

1247: A torpedo strikes the HAMAKAZE starboard, aft of amidships and she jackknifes. The SUZUTSUKI takes a 500-lb GP bomb hit to starboard, abreast her No. 2 gun mount. Two dud rockets hit the FUYUTSUKI.

1250: The first attack wave retires. The destroyer SUZUTSUKI wreathed in black smoke, burns furiously. The light cruiser YAHAGI, without headway, drifts helplessly behind the main force. The YAMATO, despite hits by two bombs and one torpedo, maintains flank speed.

1300: The YAMATO changes course to 180 degrees, due South.

1302: Her remaining air search radar reports the approach of a second attack wave. The Attack Force changes course due south to 180 degrees.

1302: Fifty aircraft from the ESSEX and the BATAAN are sighted approaching from the SSW, range 18.5 miles.

1322: The YAMATO increases speed to 22 knots. A "Corsair" from the ESSEX drops a 1000-lb GP bomb that hits the superstructure in the port bow area. Twelve "Helldivers" claim several hits near the bridge and main gun turret No. 3. Five "Helldivers" are damaged by AA fire.

1333: Another 110 aircraft from Task Group 58. 4: USS YORKTOWN (CV-10), INTREPID (CV-11), LANGLEY (CVL-27) engage the Attack Force. This time all the attacks are concentrated against the battleship. Twenty "Avengers" make a new torpedo run from 60 degrees to port. The YAMATO starts a sharp turn to port but three torpedoes rip into her port side amidships. Her auxiliary rudder is jammed in position hard port.

The YAMATO has taken a total of four torpedo hits. She ships about 3,000-tons of seawater. She lists about seven degrees to port. Damage Control counter-floods both starboard engine and boiler rooms and almost entirely corrects the list.

The YAMATO starts a turn starboard to course 230 degrees. One of her lookouts spots the tracks of four torpedoes approaching. The first torpedoes pass by harmlessly, but the remaining two strike her port amidships. She takes on a heavy list to port and her speed drops to 18 knots. Armor-piercing and other bombs make a shambles of her upper works.

1342: The YAMATO turns hard to port. She continues to throw up a screen of desperate flak fire. One "Avenger" is shot down but her barrage is largely ineffective because each AA battery fires independently without coordination. The escorts cannot defend the flagship either.

1402: Three bombs explode port amidships, five minutes later a torpedo hits her starboard side amidships. Ten minutes later, two more torpedoes strike her port side. The YAMATO's list increases to about 15 degrees and her speed slows to 12 knots.

Executive Officer Nomura Jiro reports to Captain Aruga that his damage control officers are all dead and that the counter-flooding system can no longer correct the list. He suggests that the order to abandon ship be given. The Fleet Commander, Vice Admiral Ito, orders the mission cancelled and directs the remaining ships to pick up as many survivors as possible. The Emperor's portrait is removed.
1405: The light cruiser YAHAGI, hit by 12 bombs and seven torpedoes sinks exactly one minute after the last bomb hits. LtCdr (later Captain) Herbert Houck, the leader of 43 TBM Avengers of VT-9 from the YORKTOWN, detaches Lt Thomas Stetson's six Avengers in a final torpedo attack from the ship's starboard side. Stetson's crewmen reset their Mark 13 torpedoes' running depth to 20 feet. Listing heavily to port, the YAMATO's exposed hull is hit by several more torpedoes. She rolls slowly over her port side on her beam ends.

1423: Sunk: The YAMATO's No. 1 magazine explodes and sends up a cloud of smoke seen 100 miles away. She slips under followed by an underwater explosion. The YAMATO sinks at 30-22 N, 128-04 E.

269 survivors are rescued including Rear Admiral Morishita Nobuei, Chief of Staff, Second Fleet (and former YAMATO skipper).

Vice Admiral Ito and the YAMATO's skipper Captain Aruga and 3,063 men are lost. Aruga receives a rare double promotion posthumously to Vice Admiral on the request of Admiral Toyoda. Later that day, the battered destroyers ISOKAZE and the KASUMI are scuttled and sink. 1,187 crewmen of DesRon 2's light cruiser the YAHAGI and the four destroyers are also lost.

The Imperial Japanese Navy ceases to exist as a fighting force. The Americans lose 10 aircraft and 12 crewmen.

Survivals picked by the destroyer

269 crewmembers survived out of almost 3000. Yamato survivor Kazuhiro Fukumoto describes how after the ship was down, he was drawn into the whirlpool from the propeller and struggling powerless. "One propeller blade was five meters long, so just one turn created a huge whirlpool. I started getting short of breath. I couldn't take it anymore, and I swallowed a mouthful of water." He says. "I started to get short of breath and then I began to lose consciousness." He wasn't thinking about getting rescued or what I was supposed to be doing - he was just a step away from death. Nearby destroyer Yukikaze picked almost three hundred horrified, exhausted and oily Yamato survivors from the sea. " We got orders to return to Kure, and I was put on a train. We were held in Kure for a month. So parents who knew about the Yamato sinking didn't see their sons for a month and a half. They gave up, thinking that their sons had died. " says Fukumoto. "But after I was rescued I gained real desire for life. I wanted more than ever to survive. It was the first time I was afraid of war."
COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C. Capt Seid Waddell Capt Tom Brown CW5 (Join to see) CW5 Charlie Poulton SGM David W. Carr LOM, DMSM MP SGT SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC William Farrell SSgt Robert Marx SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" TSgt Joe C. SP5 Mark Kuzinski SP5 Robert Ruck SCPO Morris RamseyCPL Eric EscasioSPC Margaret Higgins SPC (Join to see) SrA Christopher Wright
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
PO3 Donald Murphy - I think you are referring to the picture of the Japanese standing on the deck? Thanks, I will look for another photo.
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
>1 y
LTC Stephen F. - Yes, the color photo. No harm no foul as it gives a beautiful representation of her sheer size. There are no physical color photos of Yamato, Musashi or Shinano. Only "colorized" photos like these ones:
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
>1 y
Thanks for the additional info LTC Stephen F. . T'was a massive ship! ;-)
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
5 y
Magnificent vessel. Our follow on battleships of the Montana Class would have rendered the IJS Yamato & Musahi obsolescent
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SSgt Robert Marx
The Yamato certainly was a massive battleship and it had to be sunk for the Japanese to understand that they were defeated. Its fate highlighted the preponderance of air power over any size warship, perhaps that fact had been all ready made, but the fate of Japan's largest battleship indicated that their fleet which had gloriously left to destroy her enemies 4 years earlier was no more. The 18.1 inch main guns, the thick armor, and the diversity of many guns could not save her and there was no unsinkable warships.
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
>1 y
Yes , A point had to be made to the people of Japan.
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PO3 Donald Murphy
Edited >1 y ago
The largest battleship to be sunk in combat. Her sister Shinano was completed as an aircraft carrier and was the largest warship of all time to be sunk in combat. A Japanese film "Yamato" was made in 2005/2006 and is kind of a "Titanic-meets-saving-Private-Ryan" type thing. A young girl wishes to hire a boat to go to the coordinates of Yamato's sinking and as you can imagine, the grizzled fishing boat skipper that agrees to take her was one of Yamato's survivors. The CGI in the movie is probably the best ever done in a movie. The majority of the set is a life-size replica of Yamato's foredeck and forward superstructure so that you can really get a feel for how big this monster really was. The movie is subtitles only but you fall in to the movie quite easily and within seconds you are enjoying it.

The movie is essential to Pacific War students as the star of the film asks the killer question of the century: "why are we willingly being sent off to die?" The young but combat vet junior officer answers the question in a way that will stick with you for the rest of your life. So simple, yet so accurate. An angle you probably never stopped to consider. The Americans are not demonized in the film, nor are the Japanese portrayed as innocents being outnumbered by the "bad guy." No apologies for Japan's behavior are offered or presented. This isn't an apologetic film. Yamato is fighting the US Navy and that is a given. As to who is "right" and who is "wrong" is not discussed. Yamato's death is as accurately filmed as you will see. The reasons for Yamato's death are accurately shown as well. I won't spoil it, but you'll see it right away within a few seconds. You'll realize that Yamato hasn't a chance in hell and you'll cry as the crew - who also know this - remain at their positions awaiting their death.

Like Saving Private Ryan, the glamor of war is not on board the ship. After seeing the combat scenes which are accurate in time and scope (a lone Japanese gunner will not shoot 300 planes out of the sky!), it will amaze you that people still volunteer to join the Navy. Like in Titanic, the boat skipper has remorse, guilt and regret at having survived the sinking. Check out the film. Highly recommended. It is to the Japanese war effort as "Das Boot" was to the German war effort.

SGT John " Mac " McConnell
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