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Responses: 9
SSG Jessica Bautista
I'm about to run out of popcorn.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
SP5 Christine Conley ... Crap.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
LOL Stephen always eases the pain.
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SSgt Gary Andrews
Trump said he would never lie to us. Oh, really? He also said when he replaced Obamacare, everyone would be covered, it would cost a lot less, and it will be wonderful coverage. Hard to find any truth in there. Then he said Obama wire tapped Trump Tower......but now that his charge is getting rebuffed by intelligence staff and congressmen of both parties.......he tells us that wire tap does not mean wire tap......it means a bunch of other things. Hard to see any truth there either. He said Mexico would pay for the wall......and now requests billions of taxpayer dollars for his wall......Mexico will pay us back later, although Mexico states time and again, they won't. Where's the truth in there? He said Hillary would get us into Syria, but he won't.......now we have troops in Syria. Where is the truth in that? It's beginning to look like his biggest lie of all, was when he said he wouldn't lie to us.
PFC Pamala (Hall) Foster
PFC Pamala (Hall) Foster
>1 y
Trump the Liar needs to become Trump the IMPEACHED
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CSM Richard StCyr
As outrageous as he sometimes is, it seems in the end the majority of what the president says is usually proven correct.

For the past couple weeks depending on who you see talking at the time, or what article you read on what day, and the wind direction any number of news agencies have pointed to the intel collection effort conducted under FISA warrants as the source for the purported wire tapping.

Given the recent penchant for the need to use precise English or have any comment horribly misinterpreted by the leftists, I think the POTUS should have tweeted Electronic Surveillance, verses Wire Tapping.
Wire tapping invokes visions of spy verses spy tapping into a phone line in a mechanical room somewhere in the 60's or 70's and leaves room for someone to say "oh it wasn't wire tapping" wink, wink. Where as Electronic surveillance covers the full gambit of collection methods and communications means available today.

There's also the statement last week from the intel chief that there was no evidence of any wrongdoing or collusion on behalf of the Trump organization contained in any of the intel data he saw. So does it not stand to reason that some form of collection effort was conducted on the Trump organization in order for there to be any intelligence product available for the intel chief to see or review. Or did he pull that out of his ass and make that statement on TV.

So once again love him or hate him, I think in the end we will see that there was some form of electronic surveillance conducted and he'll be mostly rite. The sun will shine, birds will continue to crap on our windshields, leftists and snowflakes will continue to be offended and outraged and we will be knee deep in the next debacle.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
LMAO! Even if there was surveillance authorized based on the intel collection activities of Russian officials leading to Trump advisers or individuals in support of Trump as "persons of interest", those authorized surveillance would be on the "persons of interest", not Trump and not Trump Tower specifically.
He's the President and words matter, context matters, and we're just getting started.
SPC James Harsh
SPC James Harsh
>1 y
PO3 Jason M. - The only way to repudiate the claims reported, purportedly truthful, would be to have the news outlets cited take back their news and claim it to be false/fake.. a smokescreen is to be expected. Does anyone really expect MSM to call themselves out as being fake to make President Trump look like a liar?
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