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Responses: 3
Lt Col Charlie Brown
We should not be part of this.
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LTC David Brown
Why do we want to put our sovereignty in the hands of UN dispots?
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Oh, the big bad boogie-man UN,,,

Some information:
"What is the so-called Pandemic Treaty?
The WHO already has binding rules known as the International Health Regulations, which in 2005 set out countries' obligations where public health events have the potential to cross borders. These include advising the WHO immediately of a health emergency and measures on trade and travel.

Adopted after the 2002-2003 SARS outbreak, these regulations are still considered appropriate for regional epidemics, such as Ebola but inadequate for a global pandemic. These regulations are also being reviewed in the wake of COVID-19.

For the new more wide-reaching pandemic accord, member states have agreed that it should be legally binding for those who sign up, overcoming early reservations from the United States.

It would be only the second such health accord after the 2003 Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, a treaty which aims to reduce smoking via taxation and rules on labelling and advertising.

However, the proposed pandemic treaty has come under fire on social media, mostly from right-wing critics warning it could lead to countries ceding authority to the WHO. The body strongly refutes this, stressing that governments are leading the negotiations and are free to reject the accord."

MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
5 mo
I am not a "right wing critic," I am a credentialed health educator, former Combat Medic and Health Services officer, retired school health administrator and facilities director who spent years working with doctors, nurses, biologists, entomologists and industrial hygienists. I've also had years of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical warfare training and am a certified Risk Management Specialist. Oh, and add a dash of COMMON SENSE. Armed with these things I can confidently say we were bamboozled. COVID was a FRAUD. My first tip was the CDC announcing on television very early on that they wanted us to wear masks, even though they said they knew they don't work against viruses, so that everybody knew there was a pandemic going on. The mask thing alone was reason enough to know we were being lied to. Surgical masks were designed to reduce the risk of bacterial infection in an operating room should someone cough or sneeze or spit when they talk. If that were to occur, they would have to leave the OR immediately, re sanitize, re-mask, and then return. If a surgeon is sick, they don't operate. Look how virologists wear PPT and then you have an effective protection against viruses. So, to me, the whole thing was a sick joke from "Go." I was silenced, and anyone else who questioned the hoax was silenced. The WHO is complicit. Everyone knows local problems require local solutions. The further away from the problem, the less effective the solution.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
5 mo
MAJ Montgomery Granger - "COVID was a FRAUD." I believe you are in the minority.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
5 mo
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