Posted on Feb 4, 2017
Girl can't stop crying tears of happiness when she's gifted shotgun by parents
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 11
I grew up around guns, we taught our kids gun safety (we lived on Camp Pendleton, there were stories of unexploded munitions in the mountains) so instead of being scared of it, we taught our kids what to do in case they came across it. All 3 of our kids are gun owners. This author put the "f" in idiot-js
MSgt George Cater This author is an idiot. The reason that some are shot by a youngster is because they were not properly instructed in how to handle a firearm.I grew up with shotguns,rifles and pistols,was taught to always treat them as if they were loaded even when i had just unloaded them.IN this community almost everyone one has guns and teach their kids how to shoot and handle them.There has not been an accidental shooting by anyone( i started to say in years)but i don't ever remember one.
MAJ (Join to see)
My first exposure to weapons was when I was in the Boy Scouts. I was 14 going for the Rifle Marksman Merit Badge...A Police Officer on my paper route agreed to train me and evaluate all my task requirements for the badge....I got to fire a Single Shot .22LR Bolt-Action Rifle, then I got a chance to fire a 12 guage Mossberg and then he let me fire his S&W .357 Service Revolver...I didn't actually own my own weapons until much much later in life...The author is a hater...nothing new there...2 sides to every story...I don't see the big deal...this is pretty common place here in the South...Many kids grow up, hunting, fishing, camping, shooting their whole lives with their family without incident...The haters will continue to argue, that "Guns" are the problem. I wish I got a silver pigeon for a gift! nice shotgun...
SSgt Terry P.
MAJ (Join to see) -My first rifle was a .22 single shot bolt-action Stevens that fired .22 shorts(loaded each round straight into the chamber) given to me by my grandfather. Most kids here(TN)grow up hunting with a family member and have to take a hunter's safety course to get their hunting license besides being taught gun safety at home.I wouldn't mind having a 686 over-under Beretta,myself,but i have been using my 20ga. 390 Beretta so long i would probably just keep trying to pull the
MAJ (Join to see)
SSgt Terry P. - Nice...Kids under 17 have to take the SCDNR sponsored Hunter's Education Course...I actually had to take the course hunt on Fort Jackson, it is a requirement.
Nothing wrong with responsible gun use MSgt George Cater. When my twin brother and I were fourteen we built a rifle range in the basement of the high school on Long Island and carried our 22 rifle into the school in bags or cases and it wasn't a big deal then. I've always wondered whether the range is still there although i am sure its not being used!
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