90% Complete
10 Endorsements
61 Contacts
Influence Score: 53,327
1,311 out of 867,939 Veterans
1,311 out of 867,939 Veterans
Military Experiences
Jul 2009 - Feb 2015
Chief Information Officer
Key department leader in a 30-bed community hospital with over 500 staff, 8 direct report chiefs, and a $110M annual budget in support of a 70-physician medical staff and nearly 80,000 beneficiaries in the delivery of safe, high quality care. Deployed to Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF 10)
Jul 2006 - Jul 2009
Battalion Communications Officer (S6)
Senior Manager of an IT Section (17 staff) supporting Europe’s only deployable hospital (325 staff) and the Ammunition Installation in U.S. Army Europe with a staff of 50 employees securing, safeguarding, distributing, and receiving ammunition from all Army units in Europe.
* Designed and Implemented multiple Information and Communication Systems from the ground up for multiple readiness training exercises. Including Classified, Unclassified, Telecommunications, Satellite and Digital Medical Systems.
Oct 2004 - Jul 2006
Company Commander
Executive role in the sole military hospital, staffed with over 432 members and a medical staff of 60 and an annual budget of $250M and over 65,000 beneficiaries. Led and organized the Family Readiness Group, Tracked Medical Readiness for all personnel, Was responsible for all required military training, tracked all required medical training requirements for medical para-professionals (ie) NREMT Recerts, ACLS, BCLS, CPR etc., Personnel Evaluations, Awards, Promotions and Disciplinary Actions.
Oct 2001 - Oct 2004
Chief Information Officer
Leader of the Information Technology Department, a 12-member team, at a Health Center supporting all of the rising middle grade Army and International Officers with a staff of 300 and a physician network of 25. Deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF1&2)
Personal Information