Posted on Jan 3, 2017
Top U.S. Special Operations general: ‘We’re hurting ourselves’ with all these movies and books
Edited >1 y ago
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 21
LTC Stephen C. In my opinion, what these great warriors do should be kept out of the publics eye, that is what makes them lethal, and FLag Officers that command these units should be held to the same Top Secret confidence. I believe we can defeat our enemies much faster when we don't provide them with TTPs on how we operate during special operations. Jut my two cents on this subject. I agree with the General in this article and I agree with CPO (Join to see), SFC Jack S., and CPO Greg Frazho. Let's put a lid on it!
What are your thoughts RallyPoint Members:
PO3 Barry C SGT Kevin Leake CW3 Harvey K. MSG Earnest Smith SFC (Join to see) LTC (Join to see) SrA Jeffrey Reeves Jeff Hayden PV2 Josh Bailey SGT Matthew Michel 1LT (Join to see) LT Brad McInnis
What are your thoughts RallyPoint Members:
PO3 Barry C SGT Kevin Leake CW3 Harvey K. MSG Earnest Smith SFC (Join to see) LTC (Join to see) SrA Jeffrey Reeves Jeff Hayden PV2 Josh Bailey SGT Matthew Michel 1LT (Join to see) LT Brad McInnis
Top U.S. Special Operations general: ‘We’re hurting ourselves’ with all these movies and books |...
Army Gen. Raymond “Tony” Thomas, head of U.S. Special Operations Command, rarely talks specifics about the troops under his command. Direct action raids in Iraq, rescue missions in Afghanistan, Special Operations forces deployed in places like Syria, Somalia and Yemen are all — if even acknowledged — described in broad platitudes. But when asked about the propensity of some of his elite forces to write books, star in movies and help advise on...
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SPC David Whitney - Mom asked me where I was going.. I'd tell her
"Cold Lake, CFB in Canada, Mom !" "Weren't you just there?" " yeah Mom, they liked my cooking so much the Canadians wanted me back, they're tired of rutabagas done 30 different ways!".. and I'd throw a wink at dad.. So that's what she told her friends ..
"Cold Lake, CFB in Canada, Mom !" "Weren't you just there?" " yeah Mom, they liked my cooking so much the Canadians wanted me back, they're tired of rutabagas done 30 different ways!".. and I'd throw a wink at dad.. So that's what she told her friends ..
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SGM Irvin Lyons Jr - journalists asked me where was I going and I tell them
Some Canadian forces base up on the arctic circle.. I don't know where they're going.
Some Canadian forces base up on the arctic circle.. I don't know where they're going.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
What needs to be done is: keep the op from the media until it's past completed.
The past President had his Press guy announcing ops that were coming up..?
When our troops got there, the enemy was waiting in ambush or long gone..
No permissions to write about the op until long after it's over and declassified and specific details altered or left out. Our citizens are not the only ones to read those books. There an asterisk, number and page: specific inf. Withheld due to IPSec would be needed in the books/media .
The past President had his Press guy announcing ops that were coming up..?
When our troops got there, the enemy was waiting in ambush or long gone..
No permissions to write about the op until long after it's over and declassified and specific details altered or left out. Our citizens are not the only ones to read those books. There an asterisk, number and page: specific inf. Withheld due to IPSec would be needed in the books/media .
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSG (Join to see) - cool.. let them see what it's like to be duped...
Can see it coming over the horizon:
" the Government lied to us and caused us to look like idiots...".
Government spokesperson:
"No you caused yourselves to look idiots
(That you are) and not researching your information right off . You have only your self to blame!"
Can see it coming over the horizon:
" the Government lied to us and caused us to look like idiots...".
Government spokesperson:
"No you caused yourselves to look idiots
(That you are) and not researching your information right off . You have only your self to blame!"
I think a lot of this probably stems from Joe Biden blabbing the identity of the team that hit Bin Laden in Pakistan. Good OPSEC, right? While the First Amendment to the Constitution respects free speech, it's not an absolute right, nor has it ever been. The non-disclosure agreeements our special warfare operatives and enablers sign is, in fact, binding. I agree with Thomas that the plethora of publicity surrounding Tier One units in particular, heretofore only discussed or disclosed very rarely, is now almost a regular occurance. If operatives feel the need to self-express after their service, I would suggest writing their memoirs or authoring operational works of fiction with OPSEC very clearly in mind. There's nothing wrong with basing such works on one's service, especially with deployments. That said, some tales need never be told, as I'm sure many of you would agree.
Cpl Casey Meyer
That in and of itself is another problem, Chief. Operators are bound by that agreement until such time as missions are declassified. The fact that the new generation warfighter feels the need to have a book deal after every deployment is disturbing as well. Tell the stories at the local VFW, not to the world. If we can't keep our people safe due to these actions, how do we effect operational prudence in the world? We lose the initiative. When I was in Iraq in 03 the Stigma of what a Marine infantryman was was astounding, but if gave an edge over an enemy who was reluctant to fight based on that one idea.
CPO Greg Frazho
Indeed. But I would argue that even after a mission, an operation or a specific objective has been declassified, certain tactics, techniques and procedures can and should remain classified or at least FOUO. Again, these guys can write or have somebody ghost-write works of fiction and even use a pen name to keep it on the Delta Lima if they feel so inspired. Even then, though, a security review by the Puzzle Palace is probably a good idea if for nothing else to cover the ass of the scribe.
CPO Greg Frazho
It's funny, but you know how Facebook will throw occasional past posts a person has made? This morning, I saw one of mine from February, 2009, that went like this: "Is that crack I see in the sky going to start raining socialism?" Talk about foresight, eh??!!
I get this an trust me working in NSW it's embarrassing to see folks sell out. At the same time flag and general level officers approve books and movies for public release that set a terrible example.
Cpl Casey Meyer
You're absolutely on point there, Chief. If there's one thing you learn as an operator, it's protecting your own, and broadcasting our training, missions, logistics, any of it, to the world, I my opinion, makes you a detriment to the mission.
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