Recent Activity -
When I first PCS I returned to where I call home central Tx. I was working with in 3 days of returning home doing Telecommunications work (installing central office equipment ,Wiring modifications, rebuilding trunks and new DMS switches. After about a year decided to take a different path in construction and have been pretty much doing piping, plumbing, welding and iron work since.
Military Experiences
PLT SGT Support plt
I was in from 75-81 I was at FT.Hood from 75-76 78-80 96th transportation co.I was in Germany at Drake casern in Frankfurt 76-78 and in Illishime 80-81 while in I served as Asst. Motor SGT PLT SGT. Company medic movement control NCO (certified load planner on C-5a's 141 C-130's) Asst.NBC NCO I went from Spec-5 to Hard stripe in Illishime when I was with HHC 1/6 Mech inf. Battalion couldn't fill the position of support PLT SGT without hard stripe.