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Responses: 7
SGM Erik Marquez
Edited 8 y ago
When at the beginning, the article or thread has a disingenuous title, for me it invalidates the remaining presentation..or at least makes me assume the body of the article is filled with lies or partial truths stated in a disingenuous manner.

If the writer is willing to compromise their integrity with a half truth in the title what makes the reader willing to trust the remaining information?

The proposed rule change does not force states to fund "abortions centers" it forces them to fund places like Planned Parenthood, and sure part of which would also be abortions but is not the whole of that institution.

The end result of course is that federal funds will be funding not just family planning, education, STD avoidance and treatment but yes abortions as well.

I would've respected and believed the article author much more if they would simply and honestly said that instead of what they did.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
8 y
You are certainly entitled to believe what you want PO2 Robert Aitchison and you can trash Christians and make fun of us and our beliefs to your hearts content.
I have been reading World News in print magazine form for over twenty years. I have cross-checked the articles in the past against other news sources and have not found the news to be erroneous. I have not always agreed with the editorials; but, that is why they are editorials.
What do you think my friends? LTC Stephen C. Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Capt Christopher Mueller Capt Seid Waddell CW5 (Join to see) SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SSgt (Join to see) SGT (Join to see) SP5 Mark Kuzinski SrA Christopher Wright PO2 (Anonymous) PO1 John Miller SPC (Join to see) PO3 Steven Sherrill
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
LTC Stephen F. - I don't know how PO2 Robert Aitchison can base his opinion about Christians on that one article which is about Abortion. Christians are human as is PO2 Robert Aitchison and do tell lies. We're not perfect like Jesus Christ was.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
8 y
LTC Stephen F. - I used to be very anti Christianity. I have learned that the faith an individual has in divinity as they perceive it tends to be the basis of the individual's moral code. Religion is a bloated bureaucracy intended to control people. You and I have disagreed before on matters of faith, but we have (at least I think) always been respectful of each other's opinion. The site may be a masked Christian Propaganda site, and it may not be. That really doesn't matter. The article has started a discussion. Respectful discourse is always a good thing.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
8 y
PO2 Robert Aitchison - thanks for clarifying your position. Usually About Us or similar web locations disclose what they are about.
FYI under "About us" on World's website it states
Our world needs more people who are intent on seeking wisdom. And WORLD is working hard to bring you insight into current events so you can share with others a richer, more considered view of the news from around the world. As many have come to expect, WORLD reports the news from a Christian worldview: interpreting world events under the reality of the Christian faith. We strive to provide clarity—relying on the talents of highly skilled, professional journalists and commentators—so you receive stories that are fact-based and put into their proper context. You get the news straight up, unburdened from points of view that fight against ultimate truth. Every day our culture is bombarded with information that ranges from meaningless to harmful. Result: Many are confused, acting on information that is unreliable. In an over-communicated world, we need trusted voices that rise above the cacophony of the public square with disciplined, discerning journalism that seeks and speaks truth regardless of the cost. WORLD was created by concerned Christians just like you to be that clarion voice of wisdom. And we want our reporting to be a rich resource for you and many others so that, together, we can do some enduring good in our lifetime."
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PO3 Steven Sherrill
LTC Stephen F. I am not for funding abortion centers, but I am also not for making a woman go out of her way to find one. It is none of my business, your business, or anyone else's business what decision that woman makes. It is a private matter between her and her doctor. I hate when someone says a fetus becomes alive at first heartbeat. Really? Could that fetus survive outside the womb? Nope, then it is not a person yet. During the viking age, a child wasn't a person until it was named. That didn't happen until it survived infancy. Times have changed. Technology makes wonderful things possible. Unfortunately, technology also allows for suffering to last an indefinite amount of time.
Abortion clinics should be like any other outpatient surgery center, if it falls where it qualifies for federal subsidies, then give them the subsidies. If it does not, then it should stand on its own. I do not favor giving any group special treatment one way or the other. We are a nation of laws. Laws which are supposed to protect the individual from the whim of the masses. We are failing ourselves in that regard. We are becoming a nation where having a differing opinion is viewed as an attack. Groups want special treatment just because they exist, this is not what our nation was founded on.
This law is a joke. The timing is retarded. This is a big middle finger to those conservatives who think abortion should be banned. If this law was important, it would have been enacted week one term one so that now eight years later, it would be a small blip on the political radar. Instead it is a big FU to the Republican establishment that will be overturned January 21st.
I know you are a man of faith, and are likely opposed to abortion on religious grounds, and I respect that. It is through people with differing opinions being able to have an open discussion that our nation gets stronger. Not through divisive arbitrary laws thrown out at the last second.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
8 y
SGT Jinger Jarrett If you would like to take it here, I will say I agree. I think that drugs should be legal. It would lower our prison population, boost the tax revenue, and save billions every year being thrown away on a "war on drugs" that will never be won. The caveat is that the user needs to be responsible, and held accountable for their actions. You use and drive, go to jail. You use and harm another, go to jail.
I do agree with not allowing smoking indoors in PUBLIC places. At that point it is not just you, but everyone around you who is smoking. I think banning smoking in the car is not only wrong, but unconstitutional based on the fourth amendment to the United States Constitution.
School lunches should be nutritious. I don't know that they were ever "edible" but they should at least be healthy. It goes beyond just the food though. It should be about total nutrition education, not just a couple of days talking about the food pyramid, but actual nutrition education.
As for animals, I do not view a person who abuses animals as human. I think Michael Vick is a subhuman turd who should have been thrown into the pit with the surviving dogs, and left until dead. Additionally, there is a big difference between a living animal, and a growing fetus. A living animal can survive on its own. A fetus cannot.
Yes it is your body, and as long as what you put into doesn't affect me, I don't care what you put into it or take out of it.
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Capt Seid Waddell
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