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Responses: 11
CPT Jack Durish
People really have a strange idea of what tax returns reveal. I'm guessing that most have theirs prepared by someone else and never look very closely at them. I've studied taxes and taxation in law school and worked with tax preparers over the years (BTW, the best ones are Enrolled Agents. CPA's and Licensed Tax Preparers aren't the best experts to use) But, I digress. If tax returns were truly indicative don't you think that election laws would require them? (What? Didn't you know that there is no legal requirement for candidates to submit tax returns?) Candidates are required by election laws to submit financials. These are the documents that are truly revealing and Trump has already submitted his. If there were any chicanery, it would be known. Yes, the Clintons have submitted theirs as well, but their chicanery is well hidden behind the shield of a non-profit corporation. One other interesting fact: Submitting tax returns was first done by Nixon and he did it voluntarily as has everyone who followed him. Thus, this clown's offer to make a charitable donation is pure political theater. It will be comic theater if he donates to the Clinton Family Trust
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
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8 y
That is why I asked what your thought, sIr
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
8 y
CPT Jack Durish Just how would I contribute to HRC's foundation? I like to share equally!
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
8 y
CSM Charles Hayden - Are you seeking some sort of political favor?
SFC Jeff Couch
SFC Jeff Couch
8 y
I mean really who cares about the tax returns of the soon to be elect we as a society should ask our selves which is the better of the two evils on the policies of our country as a whole
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SPC Britanny *Winnie* Balthaser
SGT (Join to see) Why wouldn't he just donate it anyways. Why do all the work and get all these people on board to just give it back? He should donate it regardless of the financial statements. Seems a bit odd...
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SFC George Smith
interesting... how about the rest of the morons in congress and HRC while your at it...
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
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8 y
True. some of the sellout republicans. SFC George Smith The Clintons use crash and burn, meaning that they trash seeing if anything sticks.
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8 y
TSgt Frank Shirley - Show a bit of respect, at least so you can have some yourself.
You aren't wrong, she has released her tax returns, but keep it classy.
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