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Responses: 57
CW4 Leonard White
Ok, I'll play...paying "reparations" is impractical, in my opinion because logistically it would be a nightmare (and it will not make anyone happy). To me the term "reparations" is being used by some to "force" the U.S. to acknowledge that slaves made a valuable contribution to the country during its formative years and the practice of slave was brutal and a inhuman way to treat another human being. Well, guess what? It was and if you can't recognize that, you're an idiot and please be quiet.
The way I see it is nothing can be said or done that will really be an adequate apology to scores of African-Americans for not just slavery but the legal segregation and discrimination that occurred for a hundred years following their freedom.
Me personally...I don't need any "reparations" I served 30+ years in the military because I believe this is the greatest country in the world and I'm lucky to be a citizen. I earned everything I got. I truly feel that my service was greatly appreciated, I was respected while I was in Army and rewarded when I did a good job and "counseled" when my performance didn't measure up (you can tell by my rank at retirement my performance measured up 99.99% of the time). Just keep moving FORWARD, America, that the direction this country needs to go. All the shit is in the past, leave it there!
SFC Daniel McIntire
SFC Daniel McIntire
8 y
I concur chief!
SP6 Heather Chaney
SP6 Heather Chaney
8 y
I agree with you 100% but I don't feel our society feels that way. I feel like we are heading for another civil war only it isn't the country that is driving the movement.. it's all the people who can't get past slavery and are basically placing us right back into the segregation era.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
8 y
TSgt Frank Shirley - Frank I was wondering, are there two of You ? I notice fine print with logical response then use of all Capitol letters which represent an opposite viewpoint. That give the appearance of one man arguing both possible answers to a single problem. leads Me to believe that may have been the intent ? Capitol letters in complete sentences in computer use is considered yelling usually perhaps though here it is to separate which Frank is talking ? Anyway, I'm interested in Your response to that. You may have a method of stirring conversation from different viewpoints .
Discrimination hasn't always been race based, it can be national origin, religion or of course race, there are many factors. i do have example from History of all these types within the US or with us as colonies in the 1600s to 1700s prior to there being a country, the United States of America. People rise above it by standing up for themselves otherwise nothing will change. There will not be an automatic response from Government and most likely none unless public pressure demands it and forces them to react.
CW4 Leonard White
CW4 Leonard White
8 y
SP6 Heather Chaney - I don't think there will be another civil war. If anything we could have the type of "civil unrest" that this country experienced in the 1960's. There are a lots of angry people, black and white, in the country who feel "victimized" and blame different causes and even different groups of people. From my point of view, based on a great deal of reading, listening to various people and doing some researching, I've come to the conclusion that it's the governmental (federal, state and local local level) policy decisions that have severely impacted just about all Americans. It's not just the decisions made in the 8 years, I think it goes all the way back to Johnson administration and it's been both the Democrats and Republicans just really study the issue of public debt, really deep into it and you'll see how both parties are using public money/tax policies to further their own agenda. It's one of the reasons l'm registered as an unaffiliated independent, I can't be a party to such "hypocrisy." I remember what the candidates "promise" and what they actually do. I feel there's not a "dime's bit of difference" between the establishment of both parties. Since I said that the political establishments are the main causes of the problems we have, I also understand the appeal of Trump. He is a "Molotov Cocktail" that a lot of people want to throw at the establishment. The thing is...what happens once you throw that "cocktail?" Are we going to be able to live with the results? Will the county be better if we burn down the establishment? I remember the 1960's and the violence, chaos, fear and distrust we have experienced so far in the past few years is nowhere close to the violence, chaos, fear, and distrust we experienced in the 60's. I truly believe things can get a whole lot worse.
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Cpl Jeff N.
Debt was paid in full with 500,000 dead Americans in the Civil War. The UN should go after the people that sold them into slavery. My guess is the pockets are not deep enough there.

Should the Egyptians pay the Jews? How far do we go back?
COL William Oseles
COL William Oseles
8 y
TSgt Frank Shirley - You do realize there were Black Slave owners as well? Like ~25% of the Free Blacks in New Orleans compared to ~4% of the Free Whites in the 1840 Federal Census.
And of the slave trade only around 6% of the slaves came to the United States with the REALLY vast majority going to the Caribbean, South and Central America?
And that Africans sold slaves to the Slave Traders?
I see no call for REPERATIONS by the UN for those nations.
Facts are such a pesky thing, aren't they.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
8 y
TSgt Frank Shirley Frank, You may be one of the most clueless people on RP and that is saying something. How much money are you willing to reach into your bank account and hand over. Let me guess, you think there is some magical pile of money the government has they can pay it from right? We are 20 trillion in debt, there is no pile, just a very deep hole without a coin in it. Reparations is a fools errand. The vast majority of our ancestors never owned slaves. If 600,000 American lives lost in the civil war isn't enough for some then too bad. The debt was paid in blood, lots of it.
SPC Daniel Joslin
SPC Daniel Joslin
8 y
I finally figured it out. The dude in all caps is just looking for points. Every time he responds or is mentioned, he gets more points. If everyone just ignores him, maybe he'll just go away. Don't say his name, that just gives him more points.
COL William Oseles
COL William Oseles
8 y
Frank, You really are rather obtuse. Anything you do not agree with you claim is and attempt to change the subject and a poor effort.
Anything that attempts to address the totality of the issue is something you have to disparage.
Guess what frank, Indians took slaves as well. You are probably a descendant of slave owners.
So child, go back to playing with your self as you really never post intelligent comments.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Is the UN saying Brazil needs to make reparations as well? What of the Middle East and Europe? Hell, why not just say the world?
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
8 y
CSM Charles Hayden - that clears that up for me.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
8 y
MSG (Join to see) - Well still confuses me; someone needs to explain what the different cases of slavery are. Here I just thought a slave was a slave, no matter where, when or what ethnicity.
COL William Oseles
COL William Oseles
8 y
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - You are correct, a slave is a slave is a slave. Categorizing by race is an attempt to say some slaves are more important than other slaves.
Caucasians took slaves; Africans took slaves, Arabs took slaves, Orientals took slaves, Hispanics took slaves, Muslims take slaves, and even Indians took slaves.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
8 y
TSgt Frank Shirley - I feel that racism is a thing that was not in consideration during the peak of American slavery. As harsh as it may sound, slaves were considered a commodity that kept the cogs of whatever industry they were used in moving. Racism is a concept that arose after people began realizing how wrong the use of slaves was. Once that transition occurred people needed a rationalization to justify why they had condoned slavery.
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