Race/Relations/Equal Opportunity Specialist

Race/Relations/Equal Opportunity Specialist (00U): Learn and connect on RallyPoint

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On this National Day of Racial Healing I thought I might just present the egg test.
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Should we be teaching Critical Race Theory in our military universities and perhaps in our leadership courses?

Please do not comment if you are still serving in the Military in some capacity; a/o where potentially your job, livelihood, or position could be at risk.
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Does the ARMY EO Program need to teach critical race theory, white privilege and identity politics to soldiers?


I am a fmr US Army Equal Opportunity Advisor, graduate of DEOMI and was involved in EO, ...
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In my opinion it is totally asinine to rename military bases because they were named after historical figures that most people have never heard of. For example, Fort Bragg was named after Braxton Bra...
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Do you think race has an impact on the level of punishments administered during Article 15s?

I'm doing a research proposal for a masters class that would analyze whether or not race has an impact on Article 15 punishments. Does anyone have an anecdotes or statistics that could confirm or deny this idea?
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Is it EO to harrass someone based off of a specific characteristic of an individual (example, making fun of someone's nose, lips, eyebrows)?

Im just trying to understand the parameters of EO. What is the difference to mistreat someone based off of their skin then any other feature. Our genetic backround makes up our features, so how is it different. Im told by my superiors its not EO. So skin color is the exception. No other genetic feat...
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PTSD and Military veterans that join the police force. Should pre-employment screening for PTSD be a requirement?

California Policeman beats black woman nearly to death. Statistics show that the majority of police that commit violent crimes against American citizens are prior military. Why? Is it Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or simply hate. The U.S. Federal government is investigating. The American governmen...
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