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Responses: 6
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SGT Bryon Sergent
I have had a female LT on one deployment as an MP! Is that not leading in combat? Or as a Commander and or Infantry? Is taking fire from the enemy different as an MP than the Infantry? Is taking mortars different because we are MP's? Hitting an IED or taking fire on Convoy Security different as an MP than Infantry? I get the MOS difference. I am not saying that as an MP I do the same job because we don't! I have been Infantry, my job is different than Infantry. But taking fire in a combat environment is the same. A bullet is a bullet, an IED is an IED and a mortar is a mortar, regardless of the MOS! Combat is Combat! Not saying that being a FOBIT, is the same so don't go there. We all do a job that supports each other. If it wasn't for the 88m's we wouldn't get then beans and bullets. If it wasn't for the MP's securing the area's we would have a lot of things. We free up the Infantry to do Infantry things. I know I hated towers as an Infantryman. Hell hate them now but just saying.
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SSG Michael Hartsfield
The Israelis and the Kurds have been doing it for a while now so it's high time America caught up
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
>1 y
And yet that is 3 percent more women that are currently leading ground forces than in the US military. Better get your Wheaties before you start on me
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
>1 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield - Greetings SSG.
I'm fine with women leading in combat as long as they passed the same standards as the men.
However, notice how two men yourself and SGM interact. Men have the meaness that comes naturally. Women can be mean. But, normally not like us.
This difference is not being discussed.
M. Morris RVT
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
>1 y
Oh no good Cpl Mark A. Morris women are evil. If women have a real or perceived axe to grind with you they will use all methods, fair and unfair, to get you. As my favorite wrestling commentator Jim Ross used to say "As cold as an ex-wife's phone call when the check's late."
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
>1 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield - Lol SSG.
M. Morris RVT
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Congratulations ladies.
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