Posted on Sep 8, 2016
American Legion presses for marijuana rescheduling | MilitaryTimes
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL My lady friend's son-in-law tried MJ for ongoing, disabling back pain. The results did not impress him enough to continue it's use.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Well he gave it a shot. No Drug is for everybody. I fear weed less though than Natural or Synthetic Opiates. Them bastards are way too addictive.
CSM Charles Hayden
Yes, Aleve, (Naprosyn- 2 1/2 Aleves is HD FOR ME). I understand NASDIDs to conflict with Scotch Whisky. I avoid NASDIDs! SP?
With "Medical" Marijuana there is a downside. the 9th Circuit Court ruled that an individual can loose the right to have a firearm if on a Medical Marijuana status.
So if the Legion is so hot on it.. then I guess I wasted my money on dues this year. I don't like the idea of the courts or the government taking away liberties as confirmed in the document that supposedly outlines our government that we all swore to defend.
A person should not have 2nd Amendment taken away if they are prescribed a "medicine" by the government.. that is crazy!
With "Medical" Marijuana there is a downside. the 9th Circuit Court ruled that an individual can loose the right to have a firearm if on a Medical Marijuana status.
So if the Legion is so hot on it.. then I guess I wasted my money on dues this year. I don't like the idea of the courts or the government taking away liberties as confirmed in the document that supposedly outlines our government that we all swore to defend.
A person should not have 2nd Amendment taken away if they are prescribed a "medicine" by the government.. that is crazy!
MSgt Frank Martin
"Once it's no longer an "illegal drug" on a federal level you could absolutely be a medical marijuana user and keep your second amendment rights."
Sorry Robert..
It's NOT that simple. Even if full Marijuana Legalization would take place today... the ruling that the 9th Court will continue until a case overturns it or another case will challenge the ruling.. And in many cases that can take years.
I don't care about Marijuana myself, I don't plan on using it but that is my personal choice. It is legal to use recreationally in this state.
Sorry Robert..
It's NOT that simple. Even if full Marijuana Legalization would take place today... the ruling that the 9th Court will continue until a case overturns it or another case will challenge the ruling.. And in many cases that can take years.
I don't care about Marijuana myself, I don't plan on using it but that is my personal choice. It is legal to use recreationally in this state.
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