Posted on Aug 7, 2016
Mandatory writing test for NCOs to launch Oct. 1
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 25
While I was in, I witnessed the horrible writing skills of some otherwise fine leaders. I think college levelcomposition classes would be an excellent professional development tool.
SGT Jason Keefer
And those are free, using tuition assistance and GI Bill.... we just need to make time for Joes to do it and/or make it mandatory.
There is nothing wrong with strong communication skills. Both verbal and written.
What do you say we have strong physical fitness skills too? Yea. I didn't think so. Who ever heard of doing 50 push-ups correctly. I mean, that's not needed in war. Right?
I am not trying to offend you Ma'am. But, there appears to be a false reality the US military is living in. I want killers that can stomp the guts out of the enemy. Shooting the enemy in the head while assaulting through the ambush, or moving forward through a building. If they can write well, that's a plus.
Don't worry. The enemy is being brought to you nice lady.
Mark A. Morris BS, RDMS, RVT
There is nothing wrong with strong communication skills. Both verbal and written.
What do you say we have strong physical fitness skills too? Yea. I didn't think so. Who ever heard of doing 50 push-ups correctly. I mean, that's not needed in war. Right?
I am not trying to offend you Ma'am. But, there appears to be a false reality the US military is living in. I want killers that can stomp the guts out of the enemy. Shooting the enemy in the head while assaulting through the ambush, or moving forward through a building. If they can write well, that's a plus.
Don't worry. The enemy is being brought to you nice lady.
Mark A. Morris BS, RDMS, RVT
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
We have to be able to write comprehensible plans and orders for the people to get to the "fire and manuever" stage.
CW3 (Join to see)
I think we need strong physical skills as well, but there are already steps in place to work on that.
You're not offending me, but it is a changing battlefield, with the ever-shifting field we need to communicate and comprehend correctly what the orders are and how they should be executed. I've been deployed and worked in a maximum security prison, I can hold my own there. But, I can also write a paper and send information to my Soldiers in a clear and concise manner. We need to be well-rounded and intelligent. I think that's the point of adding to the courses and not taking anything out of the current course.
You're not offending me, but it is a changing battlefield, with the ever-shifting field we need to communicate and comprehend correctly what the orders are and how they should be executed. I've been deployed and worked in a maximum security prison, I can hold my own there. But, I can also write a paper and send information to my Soldiers in a clear and concise manner. We need to be well-rounded and intelligent. I think that's the point of adding to the courses and not taking anything out of the current course.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
CW3 (Join to see) - I wish you the best of luck in your active duty military time.
M. Morris RVT
M. Morris RVT
SGT Jason Keefer
That's all well and good in non-technical, meat grinder jobs where many enter and few stay past their first enlistment. However, in the rest of the big army, we need smart soldiers that can learn new skills and apply them to a rapidly changing force. Heck, even some basic equipment seems difficult for some joes. The basic math involved in land navigation has defeated many.
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