Posted on Aug 6, 2016
A Deeper Look Into DNC Speaker and Gold Star Father Khizr Khan - One America News Network
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7

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I was discussing news stories about a few days ago. The libs didn't want to believe it, so they won't. Once someone invokes Sharia, they have clearly never read the constitution as it is a competing form of government, law and order.
I suppose One America News has about as much respectability as the National Enquirer, but even they get a story right once in a while. Factually, this report is correct. We saw Mr Kahn's "performance" at the DNC and can attest to the fact that he wasn't their to grieve his son, but rather to berate Donald's proposed immigration policy which would significantly crimp Mr. Kahn's business. And yes, when a devout Muslim who extols Sharia above the Constitution, waves "his copy of the Constitution" (he always carries one for emergencies, right?) and uses it to belittle a political opponent of his greatest client, I'm not impressed. Are you?
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