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COL Lee Flemming
Used? The Dad seemed extremely intelligent to me. I believe he was offended and expressed his feelings to the widest audience possible. He is taking a stand on what he believes are offensive comments. He has intentionally thrown his weight behind one candidate, like it or not. The problem lies with the response. You, I and millions of others would simply say that "I am sorry for your loss" and his entry into the political arena would be less biting. Sometimes you lose a 15 minute news cycle - there is no upside to argue the point that this hero and family sacrificed for our nation, and doing so only looks like a losing venture.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
Col Rebecca Lorraine That is my opinion supported by the facts. You are simply arguing emotionally. You are offended (emotionally) because you never liked Trump and wanted to see him bow and scrape before Mr. Khan. Mr. Khan launched the attack hiding behind a gold star flag and his son's service and sacrifice.

He should have been looking up a the VIP box for Clinton as she voted to send his son to the war he died in, not Trump. Pure misdirection and you should know that. You chose to focus on Trumps response rather than the fallacy of the attack. It was a pure straw man built by the DNC.
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
>1 y
Cpl Jeff N. - I agree on some points. I also believe that he intentionally entered into the political fold and is handling the criticism well, and I do not think that he believes his attacks are misguided -- they were aimed squarely at Mr. Trump. "Gunner, coax, troops or Trump in this case." He has the high ground and there is no way that he is coming down. My point is move on - this fight is not winnable. Excuse the military references...although, this is the correct forum for that I think...
Col Rebecca Lorraine
Col Rebecca Lorraine
>1 y
Cpl Jeff N. - What I know is Mr Khan +1: Trump -1 The only correct facts you have stated are Mr Khan has attacked Mr Trump, reprimanding him verbally for his insult to his religion, son, and then his wife. Mr Trump is using the free media coverage as he has done to run his campaign. I would say that any spotlight, positive or negative is the Trump modus operandi, and the humans that get in his way mean little to him. Your perspective and justification provide additional evidence that no matter what boundaries of decency and professional conduct he violates, his behavior and response is justified. That does scare me mightily. When someone has the inability to apologize or recognize their errors, they are not fully developed as human beings. It takes a big person to admit they were wrong, inconsiderate or just accept this is not a battle they should fight. Keeping the target in focus, without spraying the field. Mr Khan was direct. Mr Trump is all of the place. Motivation for the act of Mr Khan? His son. Motivation for Mr Trumps responses, innuendo, and inability to let it rest?
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
>1 y
TSgt Anthony Elmer - great job putting this together. I know someone that could use your skills and analytical capability. Unfortunately, the metrics that you have here only serve to rationalize statements that are indefensible. I still stand with the family whose hero son served our nation just as you and I. No research, no politics, just a serviceman supporting a fallen brother's family.
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SSG Warren Swan
He's a BRO. Nuff said on him. BAMF for days. You mention the family being used? Was it any different when Trump skipped two debates to hold "fundraisers" to assist vets and the amount of cash raised was wrong, the money doled out was wrong, and it took four months and virtually everyone under the sun to get him to release the money AND for him to donate it as promised? In this case Greg, ALL of us were used. CPT Hahn isn't a hero in my book. No disrespect to the man, the rank, or service. I'm not a fan of every time a SM takes a shit, he's a "hero". I see in him a model Soldier, someone to be emulated, someone who would be a good teaching lesson in various promotion schools, I believe he is one awesome man to have come here, do what many won't do (go to school), and enlist. I really admire him. He's doesn't have a beard, a tab, nothing that would make him seem "harder" than you or me. From the limited readings I've seem, I damn sure would follow hi,
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
>1 y
Agree on all points, including Trumps use of us. This is just the currently-spotlighted case.
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