Posted on Jul 29, 2016
Father of Fallen Muslim U.S. Soldier to Trump: 'Have You Even Read' Constitution? - NBC News
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Okay, Mr Trump's initial announcement about banning Muslim's from entering the US until we can "figure out what's going on" was probably poorly thought out and reflected his grandiose style. He has since modified the stance to banning visitors from countries that are influenced by radical Islamic Terrorists and that cannot provide background check on people wanting to enter the US.
I have read the Constitution and took and oath to defend it. The Constitution does not guarantee rights to non-Citizens from outside of the US or to non-Citizens in the US. We have generously granted rights to non-Citizens within our borders, such as the 5th Amendment right to non-self incrimination. We are a good and generous people, but some will take advantage of us if we let them. Radical Muslims are willing to kill us just because of who we are and what we represent. Our existence is an affront to their religion. Less obedient--perhaps "liberal"--Muslims willing to live in a secular society that doesn't agree with their religious world view should be welcome in the US. Like Christians and Jews, they must moderate the exercise of their religious actions to allow for the rights of other religions in our society. The Constitution grants Americans the right to religious freedom without Government interference, specifically it bans the establishment of a State Religion. It implies the right to practice one's religion or a complete lack thereof as long as it does not violate the rights of other citizens.
As to the "wall", I see no problem with securing the Nation's border and coastlines to prevent entry of non-citizens without appropriate screening. I believe the current invasion of non-citizens across the Southern border is a clear and present danger to the Republic. If a physical barrier (wall) will significantly reduce or stop illegal entry into the US, then I'm all for it. Vigorous enforcement of laws will have to go with it to be truly effective. People who want to visit for a defined period of time for work, education, or fun should do so, and then they should leave. If they don't want to leave, then we must help them to do so as quickly and efficiently as possible.
I have read the Constitution and took and oath to defend it. The Constitution does not guarantee rights to non-Citizens from outside of the US or to non-Citizens in the US. We have generously granted rights to non-Citizens within our borders, such as the 5th Amendment right to non-self incrimination. We are a good and generous people, but some will take advantage of us if we let them. Radical Muslims are willing to kill us just because of who we are and what we represent. Our existence is an affront to their religion. Less obedient--perhaps "liberal"--Muslims willing to live in a secular society that doesn't agree with their religious world view should be welcome in the US. Like Christians and Jews, they must moderate the exercise of their religious actions to allow for the rights of other religions in our society. The Constitution grants Americans the right to religious freedom without Government interference, specifically it bans the establishment of a State Religion. It implies the right to practice one's religion or a complete lack thereof as long as it does not violate the rights of other citizens.
As to the "wall", I see no problem with securing the Nation's border and coastlines to prevent entry of non-citizens without appropriate screening. I believe the current invasion of non-citizens across the Southern border is a clear and present danger to the Republic. If a physical barrier (wall) will significantly reduce or stop illegal entry into the US, then I'm all for it. Vigorous enforcement of laws will have to go with it to be truly effective. People who want to visit for a defined period of time for work, education, or fun should do so, and then they should leave. If they don't want to leave, then we must help them to do so as quickly and efficiently as possible.
MSgt John McGowan
SGT Efaw (Mick) G. - SGT, I am going by what I read and see on the news. People that take food and throw away. Area's where only Muslins can go. Rapes. riots and we could go on and on. And the cost when all those people arriveing here. I am sure you will be willing to pay more in taxes for less services for our vets, our security and for the elder generation. 20 trillion in debt, pray tell me where the money is coming from. Our military, free phones, Snap or free give aways. Oh yes Hillary just say free college education. Ifeel for the families but I womder why so many are young military age men. Send them back and let them fight for their country. The US cannot save the world.
MSgt John McGowan
SGT Eric Knutson - I like your way of thinking. And i agree with you. Europe is hurting from all that has come in. The leaders and it will be the same here will not have to deal with them. They will have their armed guards and protection. All you have to do is go to You tube to see it. But keep up the good work.
MSgt John McGowan
SGT Efaw (Mick) G. - Ok I will buy that, but the economy is something up for debate. The talking heads always disagress about that. But growth has been slow.
SSG (Join to see)
Very well put, Sir. Eloquent and we'll thought out. I don't think there is a valid argument.
I had to step away from my desk for a second after watching this to wipe my tears.
SSG Trust Palmer
People literally kill me with non sense. I wonder the attacks I would receive if they knew or thought I too was Muslim. How many religions ACTUALLY pray 3 times a day? Hmmm
Peace be upon you SrA Edward Vong
Peace be upon you SrA Edward Vong
SSG Trust Palmer
SrA Edward Vong - I can't edit from my mobile. I said I'd fix it when I get home. Thank you!! :)
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