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Responses: 14
SGT Graduate Student
GEESH... What a rant! Of course I skimmed through it. I got a headache reading it. I'm sure you'll get your audience but I'm not here to defend nor bash our commander-in-chief. I want to say this regarding statistics you mentioned. Not everyone killed by the police are "victims". The question then becomes how many of those shootings by police are justified? I would like to see a comparative study on that and not to start a "race bait" statistics but rather develop solutions all across the board.
SGT Graduate Student
SGT (Join to see)
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SSG Robert Webster - the topic on hand is about statistics of police shooting citizens of different races. Before we go off on a major rant about everything politicians say, let us ponder on these questions in order to find solutions that would mend race relations. Face it: it is damaged. I said some shootings are justified and others are not. The question is why are some more justified than others and which ones? We need to heal wounds and not create them by asking these questions. This is not my post but I double checked and it's not a gun control discussion, SSG. For the past two days, we have not heard a word out of the NRA. It's not the time or place to b**h about "Obama is trying to get our guns" right now.
Sgt Kelli Mays
Sgt Kelli Mays
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SGT (Join to see) - SGT David did you listen to what Obama said yesterday?...because I did and I was appalled....I cannot remember any other president to include Bill Clinton who said such things....I've never heard another president say things that will put a huge divide between many people....and though I loath, distrust and can't stand Hillary, I'm afraid Donald Trump will be just like Obama and say stupid things that will do nothing but enrage people.....One thing about Bill Clinton, Reagan and the elder Bush....they knew how to say things to calm the people and keep them working together unlike Obama who says things that are not completely true and makes it seem or turns it into a race issue........It may give you a headache, but listening to Obama's speech gave me a headache...so I decided to look up the REAL FACTS...... I only wrote this after I heard his speech yesterday. I was dumbfounded....it angered me because words such as what Obama spoke yesterday will make certain people out ragged and give certain people to uproar...to go out and riot or do things to make things worse....I agree with all you said except "it's not the place to b**h about about Obama to get our guns....I didn't bring that up...and it's not what I'm referring to....I'm referring to his words...what he said and how he said it...this is what I am, I guess "bashing" him about.
We do need to work together, but we can't work together when we have a president and or Politicians and even Community leaders who says things the way he says things like the President did yesterday...and what Some community leaders have said...which do nothing but drive a wedge and make things worse..... INSTEAD, Perhaps if he talks about working together...working on a way to work together...work on a way to figure out how to train police in a different way and for people to see the police differently instead of throwing out statements and figures from reports from totally biased and mostly untrue facts or rather misconstrued facts like the ACLU and the NAACP who try to make things seem like they are not...instead of STIRRING up the POT and getting people more angry then already are, Our Leaders and others who say things that stir things up, these folks can instead work to UNITE everyone..... then we can work together to be together and hopefully live a more peaceful life...
There is more than enough STRIFE and DISCORD across this planet as it is. We the people of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA need to find a way to be better than them and UNITE and work together to be a more peaceful nation and maybe show the rest of the world how to do it to.
SGT Graduate Student
SGT (Join to see)
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Sgt Kelli Mays - I read the beginning of your rant. What you're failing to realize is that these are some legitimate questions to answer. What I surmise from you is that:
1. Obama is always wrong
2. NAACP is yet wrong again
3. The ACLU is a joke
4. None of the community leaders are not even close...

And God forbid if I assume your opinion on the Black Lives Matter movement. People of all races, ESPECIALLY black are gunned down; some would argue "hunted down like animals" and all you have to spew is how you are disgusted by what the POTUS or any other entity says in reaction?

Reminder: Body Cams, Untold amounts of federal grants and funding towards law enforcement training, etc. This is not only a Department of Justice issue, it's a Department of Education issue as well.

But I say:
"Until the philosophy which hold one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently
discredited and abandoned-Everywhere is war"
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
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SGT (Join to see) - I am tending to agree with you on some of your statements and disagree on others; but please explain to me why and how you see it as a Department of Education issue. Thank you.
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SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
Sgt Kelli Mays Good morning, this is just senseless in my opinion, when will it stop.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
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Just as important is that we do not allow this to destroy the bonds we have in our military across all walks of life. A brother or sister in a foxhole still sees no color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and we must work to keep it that way.
SSgt Johnie Ogden
SSgt Johnie Ogden
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MAJ Byron Oyler - absolutely correct!!
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LTC Stephen F.
I skimmed through the White House email on this subject after I read about the 5 policemen shot by snipers in Dallas while they were doing their traditional job of protecting the public during a generally peaceful protest march Sgt Kelli Mays.
I hope and pray that the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile are comforted by human friend and by God for those who know him.
Where I live, we have MS13 and other violent gangs and somebody has mixed a poison with heroin which is thinning the ranks of those who do drugs including some who tried heroin the first time.
God knows exactly when, where and how each one of us will be born and when, where and how each will die. I try to compassionate with people who are grieving. Some times that is harder than others.
We live in a fallen world where evil seems to run amok in southwest Asia and in the streets of some of our cities. Thankfully the Holy Spirit restrains evil otherwise we would all be toast.
I hope that after this next election, the nation will have a leader who consistently uses the bully pulpit to remind us to honor our nation and each other and not to divide us.
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL COL Mikel J. Burroughs SGT Forrest Stewart SGT Robert George ] LTC Stephen C. Capt Christopher Mueller Capt Seid Waddell CW5 (Join to see) SMSgt Minister Gerald A. Thomas SGM David W. Carr LOM, DMSM MP SGT SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SSgt (Join to see) SGT (Join to see) SSG Leo Bell SP5 Mark Kuzinski SGT John " Mac " McConnell SrA Christopher Wright Kim Bolen RN CCM ACM
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