Posted on Jun 14, 2016
American-Made .50 Caliber Bottle Openers | Bullets2Bandages
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 9
RallyPoint Team , Capt Tom Brown , SSgt Robert Marx , SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" , SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL , LTC (Join to see) , SFC Stephen King , LTC Stephen F. ,
Thanks!! The recognition is immensely appreciated!
Thanks!! The recognition is immensely appreciated!
Many Thanks Shipmates. Glad that you all enjoy what I share and I always appreciate your Camaraderie.
SGT Robert George
Thanks Chip for the info I didn't know much about Navy rank or duty's even though my son was a damage control man , son in law was in intelligence , Father in law torpedo repairman in Okinawa ... Im amazed every time I visit Norfolk or Oceania cool stuff...
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SGT Robert George - It really is Mind Boggling even for us on the Inside. Your Son was Integral to the Ship and providing guidance to Part time Damage Control Petty Officers like myself. Your Son-in-Law was a Spook just like me although I'll bet he was an IS Intelligence Specialist while I was a Cryptologist. I hope Dad didn't start growing a Third Arm out of his Forehead, The Chemicals used in Navy Torpedoes have been very Problematic over the years. Anyplace they were stored and maintained is now a Superfund Site that will never be turned over for Civilian Use because of the Hazmat.
LTC (Join to see)
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - Yes, I would say hello Sir or Commander to our PRT Commander or Hello Lt. Commander to our Engineer or to our 0-3 PA I would say hello LT! i was invited to a Navy E-7 Bell Ceremoney for CPO. I did not know E-7s stay away from E-5/E-6. It is a little different culture. Also, Commander Nicholson, our PRT Commander was used to VIP visits. We had 4 Star/JCS Boss at the time, Admiral Mike Mullen come by our FOB in 2008 and he, as a ship captain, was used to VIPs coming onto his ship. The Navy is interesting!
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