Posted on Jun 8, 2016
State Dept.: It Would Take 75 Years to Release Clinton Emails
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 5
MSgt Danny Hope I read these things, and they just piss me off to no end. She is just as much a megalomaniac as Trump, or any Bond Villain. Thing is if a James Bond movie had a villain who was able to get away with this, it would be seen as fantasy. The sad reality is Hillary Clinton is a woman who has no regard for the American People. She has no regard for anyone but Hillary Clinton.
This is the biggest crock of s**t yet. This woman committed a crime by any standard and she should be held accountable for what she has done. Instead we are going to elect her to the highest office in the land and put HER finger on the nuclear button. Most of those who did not serve do not understand the implications of what has been done here and the damage that is caused by a lack of OPSEC. To just dismiss it out of political expediency can and will result in unintended consequences for those of us who put themselves in harms way. I suppose the next time the IRS asks for documents I can tell them it might take 75 years for me to recover them.... I don't think that is going to fly and don't think the Department of State should be allowed to respond in that manner as well. This is still "government of the people, by the people and for the people" and this does not serve the public interest.
MSgt Danny Hope
I agree. Anyone else would be in jail at this point. I guess all we can hope for is karma.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
LTC Marc King that picture is EPIC. Please be advised that I am currently stealing it and adding it to my collection of retorts.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
MSgt Danny Hope - If Karma started now, on her, it would not be finished until the turn of the century.
This is the operation. We can commit a crime and then take years to get the documents out so that the cattle out there forget that there was a crime that was committed and people like Hillary can say, oh, that is old news. That right there tells you that the government is too big and out of control. If I as a citizen cannot get documents that were produced in my lifetime before my lifetime is done, there is a problem.
MSgt Jonathan Stump
SGT Jose Perdelia-Torres - It is not even a case of have and have not's. A lot of people on the liberal side are of the notion that even if you decide not to apply yourself you should get a cut of the pie. I think that most people here would agree that is not a good idea. There are people out there in the world that would be perfectly happy with a 850 sq foot house and enough food to get by with. They would watch TV and be perfectly content. There are those that want a 5000 sq foot house with a boat and 4 cars. Why is that bad?
If I want to work for something and I break my ass to do it, what is the problem as long as I do not run over you? I think that the vast majority of us want nothing more than a level playing field. That does not mean that you will succeed, it just means you get the same starting area.
If I want to work for something and I break my ass to do it, what is the problem as long as I do not run over you? I think that the vast majority of us want nothing more than a level playing field. That does not mean that you will succeed, it just means you get the same starting area.
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