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Responses: 5
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
How many have been thrown in the dumpster or not otherwise processed? SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SSG Trevor S.
SSG Trevor S.
9 y
They processed mine in 6 months to assign me insultingly low ball numbers. They have been processing my appeal for 1.5 years now.
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MSgt Gloria Vance
This is too funny and wow... Talk about stretching the truth. What is not pointed out is this is probably for NEW claims, not appeals or secondary claims, which make up most of the claims!!! Talking about skewing the numbers!!!!
CPT Physical Therapist
CPT (Join to see)
9 y
Exactly! They may be making some improvements, but many claims are being denied initially. They are merely kicking the can down the road to make the numbers look better. I've seen data that indicates that secondary (appeal) claims are WAY up.
MSgt Gloria Vance
MSgt Gloria Vance
9 y
It's like how the unemployment percentage is skewed.... They drop the long term unemployed out of it... The VA skews their number by releasing only the new claims decided number. If they released the actual number of ALL CASES not completed and gave them the ACTUAL timelines... People would better understand the Vet's frustration and King O would be seriously embarrassed.... So, nope they won't do that!!
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LTC Stephen F.
Well I will believe it when I see my claim from last summer processed SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL. I certainly hope that the process is working towards reducing the backlog for all VA disabled claims.
SSgt Jim Gilmore
SSgt Jim Gilmore
9 y
Don't hold your breath. I have friends whose claims have been in the mill for over 5 years living up to the mantra, Deny, Deny, Deny until you all die...
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