Posted on Apr 27, 2016
Apparently the 8th Military Police... - US Army Military Police WTF Moments | Facebook
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 2
Looks like this CSM has a history of this intimidating behavior and I'm betting base on her other qualifications, sex and ethnicity that those in her sphere of influence including her Chain of Command are reluctant to do anything about it. Sounds like an issue that might need to be directed to the SMA Dan Dailey to be addressed. He seems like a real straight shooter and it seems that those below her can't get the ear of her Chain of Command or NCO Support Channel.
MSG (Join to see)
It's too bad that it has to go that high. With the social media coverage this CSM's problem becomes every female Soldier's problem.
With rank comes privilege and conversely, comes even greater responsibility. How many good Soldiers left the Army because of this one individual? What an abuse of the position.
With rank comes privilege and conversely, comes even greater responsibility. How many good Soldiers left the Army because of this one individual? What an abuse of the position.
CSM William Payne
We are not there so all we have to go by is what we are being told. Given the mess the Army made of the investigation of CSM Teresa King, the former Commandant of the Army Drill Sergeant School, for many of the same accusations, the Army is gun shy of these kind of cases. Sounds like there is definitely enough there for a 15-6 investigation.
CSM (Join to see)
When the current level does nothing you go to the next level and to the next until it is resolved.
CSM William Payne
I stand corrected.
I was thinking that the MPs on active duty would have reported up through a central MP command simular to the 200th MP Command in the Army Reserve. If that was the fact then she would have been one echelon away from the Army Reserve Command, in which case it would have been appropriate for the Command Sergeant Major of the Army Reserve Jim Wills to get involved.
But if you can trust what you can get on the Internet, it looks like the 8th MP Brigade reports to the 8th Theater Sustainment Command, which in turns reports to USARPAC, both of course located in Hawaii, then to mother Army.
So there are some additional levels there through which this could have been escalated before the office of the SMA. Of course we should always endeavor to initiate problem resolution at the lowest echelon of the Chain of Command or the NCO Support Channel.
I was thinking that the MPs on active duty would have reported up through a central MP command simular to the 200th MP Command in the Army Reserve. If that was the fact then she would have been one echelon away from the Army Reserve Command, in which case it would have been appropriate for the Command Sergeant Major of the Army Reserve Jim Wills to get involved.
But if you can trust what you can get on the Internet, it looks like the 8th MP Brigade reports to the 8th Theater Sustainment Command, which in turns reports to USARPAC, both of course located in Hawaii, then to mother Army.
So there are some additional levels there through which this could have been escalated before the office of the SMA. Of course we should always endeavor to initiate problem resolution at the lowest echelon of the Chain of Command or the NCO Support Channel.
Someone needs to go up the chain until there is a response. What I see about this is unbelievable. If nothing else the SGM Academy either needs to become involved - or change the ciriculum. (I am not a graduate).
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