Posted on Apr 25, 2016
Millennials may need drill sgts beyond basic, Army says
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 15
No offense to ANY Drills but this comment is BS "Drill sergeants “are the epitome of a disciplinarian,” Davenport said"...a good NCO with the backing of his fellow NCO's both latterly and up the NCO Support Chain are EXTREMELY effective at dishing out pain. If the AIT PSG's weren't trying to lead with both hands tied behind their backs, they'd be more than enough to deal with any problem. Last I checked I stood at parade rest for my DS the SAME way I did for my PSG. Take the kid gloves off and let these NCO's go to work.
SSG Warren Swan
SFC Craig Dalen - It does, but that would mean the hat makes the man, not the other way around. So if it's the hat that commands respect why not have ALL green tabbers wearing the round brown? SFC, I know what you mean by your statement, but it would also mean I can "disrespect" you without that hat...something I clearly would NOT be able to do.
SFC Craig Dalen
I get what you are saying bro, I am talking from a civilian perspective because that is what all these new Soldiers will have. I totally agree with your statement from a seasoned Soldier point of view most definitely.
MSG Louis Alexander
SSG Swan I fully concur with your observation. NCO's are the backbone of the U.S. Army and through them and their diligence, and dedication can train soldiers to be highly effective, it doesn't matter if their Drill Sergeants, AIT Sergeants etc, All Sergeants have the responsibility to train their men. The problem is some have become complacent and idle, verily scraping by and never noticed. Until they the NCO takes up the initiative some soldiers will remain inefficient. If the NCO fails to inspire, train and motivate his men, than that NCO needs to be demoted and a more suitable candidate promoted. A trained Army is an unbeatable Army. Now NCO's go out and create mini training classes in order to keep your soldiers proficient in their duties.
Drill Sergeants taking back over supervision of AIT Students is a good idea. Or we could keep things as they are and simply empower and back up our AIT Platoon Sergeants to discipline insubordinate Soldiers. There once was a time when NCO's were given the responsibility and expected to enforce rules, regulations and discipline. We is military need to get back to that and not allow civilian attitudes to run our ranks.
CSM Davenport is correct in his synopsis. We need to get back to stern discipline and rigorous training. Every second a soldier has should be invested in training, be it hip pocket training, classroom or field training, train and verbally test and when possible hand on training. Drill Sergeants have, can and will fill the void in any training gap during Basic and AIT training. But the training doesn’t stop there. Once assigned to their units, unit NCO’s need to take the initiative to continue their training through hip pocket training and field training whenever time permits between other training. Training strengthens capability and proficiency. Imagine you have 30 minutes of down time, 20 minutes of that time can be dedicated to various subjects, i.e. weaponry, LBE, small unit tactics etc., anything to keep them not only within standard, but to elevate their overall performance and reaction during hostilities. Training helps soldiers to cope with the rigors of military life and prepares them to meet any and all obstacles placed before them. Give them the tools, prepare mini lesson plans and train, train, train. It will pay off in the long run and the individual soldier can honestly proclaim to be that which he volunteered for, a soldier with no regrets. The military must stop catering to the liberal elite crowd and focus on a more professional army.
CSM Eric Biggs
Well said. Senior leaders need to stop listening to the liberal "feelings matter" good idea fairy and get out of the NCO's way and let them train their Soldiers. Don't tell the NCO on the ground what he can and can't do with/to his/her Soldier. All of that is covered in AR 350-6. No need to add your good idea fair bullshit.
MSG Louis Alexander
Calm down Eric, I can tell you're definitely old school. What they need is to recruit Veteran ex-NCO's to handle all the training requirements of Basic and AIT. By the time they graduate they're be foaming from the mouth to be unleashed upon enemies of this country. LOL but you and I know that'll never happen...
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