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Responses: 1
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
It does sound good - I am a little concerned that only one company, one I've never heard of, offers the loan, however... bears investigating before taking a loan with them.
Josh Johnson
Josh Johnson
>1 y
Please, by all means,research us...we are under the Loan Depot umbrella. Imortgage had been working on this program with the VA for quite some time and finally launch nation wide. Please let me know what information you need. Thanks for your concern.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
Hi Josh, thanks for the reply. I don't need a reno loan... I just get inundated with mail from loan companies I've never heard of asking me to refi my VA mortgage with them... It drives me nuts....
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
Thanks for the post!
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