Posted on Feb 27, 2016
Oaths of Enlistment and Oaths of Office - U.S. Army Center of Military History
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 3
And unlike my service, the oath doesn't have a "used by" date. It lives forever.
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SSG Warren Swan THANK YOU FOR THOSE MAJESTIC WORDS......SMDH.. in GLEE AND JOY! Strong words like no other embedded in my MIND, BODY and SOUL. Inspirational like no other RESPONSE I have had on RALLYPOINT. Something in my opinion all VETERANS should henceforth.
SSG Warren Swan
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL - It's YOUR fault. It's Drills like you who plant the seed we don't have a clue what it means, and it's NCO's like YOU who take the seed and put some food in the soil that we soak up hopefully. It's NCO's like YOU who see us backtracking and tighten us up and bring us back. It's NCO's like YOU, who in the end, show us what we need to survive and believe in a system that is crooked and broken at times, but gives us a chance we'd never get anywhere else. I know for a fact, I should've been sent packing on more than one occasion, and a NCO took me to the side gave me some parade rest words of wisdom, and many magic bullet sessions, and in the end, I made it. I didn't realize all they did until I had the chance to really look back and see how much of a fuck up I was. But I did pass on some of what they said to me, and got the chance to save and promote others along the way. But the constant was a belief in the Army, and a belief in the Corps. Without them, I'd be another statistic in DC. So THANK YOU Drill Sergeant. Without you, there's no me.
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SSG Warren Swan I am honored to have FELLOW NCO's to have as a Battle Buddy. I do think about those WTF moments that tested me to my core. It left an indulging aspect in my life to Choosing the Hard Right Over the Easy Wrong.
What is Loyalty and Love of Country?
Is it something that changes, as a person gets better off?
Does it change for you, because of those around you, might be of different sex, skin tone, or because of the language they speak, country of birth, or faith?
Do you know that our government "The American Government" is supposed to be for all members and having equality in all respects?
If you don't, what country do you live in?
My heart beats American, I was raised to know, the promise of freedom, liberty, the right to happiness, and equal treatment for all under our law.
Do you understand no Nation has ever existed with a promise of a government "Of, For and By the People". One not created to be ruled over by kings, dictators, or pretend Holy men or Holy women. Do you understand our form of government never did exist until the Americas Constitution and Bill of Rights being written? And for you who don't understand, America was fought for and created by "We The People" who were nothing more or less, than a collection of immigrants from around the world?
Now after our Nation was born and sanctified by the lives and the living blood, of our people and now there are those who would destroy it, take it apart, steal the strength of being a diverse Nation based on Wisdom and replace it Greedy, Power Hungry, Murderers who rule by hate and death?
Our Flag Red, White, and Blue, is a story of the costs and the benefits of the American Way- look up the meaning of the colors, and remember how many people gave all, to raise her High over our lands.
I've pledged my allegiance to our flag, of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and to the Republic, For Which It Stands, One Nation, "under God", Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All.
And as a Veteran, I took an Oath to Defend Our Constitution against ALL FOES.
I, "Willis Ronald Linn Sr." do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me,
(according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice).
So help me God.
(Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).
I Will Not Stand Down, against treason, by anybody, and I remain prepared and ready to follow my Duty!
Don't mess with my fellow Americans, because I promise even in death I will try to follow you and bring you down.
Is it something that changes, as a person gets better off?
Does it change for you, because of those around you, might be of different sex, skin tone, or because of the language they speak, country of birth, or faith?
Do you know that our government "The American Government" is supposed to be for all members and having equality in all respects?
If you don't, what country do you live in?
My heart beats American, I was raised to know, the promise of freedom, liberty, the right to happiness, and equal treatment for all under our law.
Do you understand no Nation has ever existed with a promise of a government "Of, For and By the People". One not created to be ruled over by kings, dictators, or pretend Holy men or Holy women. Do you understand our form of government never did exist until the Americas Constitution and Bill of Rights being written? And for you who don't understand, America was fought for and created by "We The People" who were nothing more or less, than a collection of immigrants from around the world?
Now after our Nation was born and sanctified by the lives and the living blood, of our people and now there are those who would destroy it, take it apart, steal the strength of being a diverse Nation based on Wisdom and replace it Greedy, Power Hungry, Murderers who rule by hate and death?
Our Flag Red, White, and Blue, is a story of the costs and the benefits of the American Way- look up the meaning of the colors, and remember how many people gave all, to raise her High over our lands.
I've pledged my allegiance to our flag, of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and to the Republic, For Which It Stands, One Nation, "under God", Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All.
And as a Veteran, I took an Oath to Defend Our Constitution against ALL FOES.
I, "Willis Ronald Linn Sr." do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me,
(according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice).
So help me God.
(Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).
I Will Not Stand Down, against treason, by anybody, and I remain prepared and ready to follow my Duty!
Don't mess with my fellow Americans, because I promise even in death I will try to follow you and bring you down.
I have sworn many oats to the US government as a soldier SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL . in 1974 as a private, in 1980 as a brand new Infantry 2nd Lieutenant and in 1992 as a seasoned Captain. I have repeated the words as I swore in NCOs and soldiers as they reenlisted over the years.
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