Posted on Jan 2, 2016
10 Military Habits That Make Service Members Stand Out
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 9
Old habits die hard especially if more than a quarter century has been spent in uniform.
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SGM David W. Carr LOM, DMSM MP SGT that is a true statement in my opinion. Well said and profoundly conveyed.
Flexibility. Everything we do evolves around a plan of some kind, written or unwritten. We often times find ourselves having to deviate or scrap a plan to make a new one. I personally think this is a trait that is Military only being to me, in the civilian world, to make changes like that costs money and can directly impact a company's bottom line. The military doesn't have a profit margin that has to be met.
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SSG Warren Swan great compare and contrast analogy with respects to profit margin. Well said and articulately conveyed.
Thanks for posting SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL. I have made comments in [brackets] and I would add an 11th sign - standing in line whenever blood was required - donating blood regularly is something military service men and women do very well.]]
1. Walking fast. [I have had to learn to slow down so that my wife can keep up - even when walking with a cane]
2. Hair. [I wore short hair for 34 years and now that I am out I have been growing ponytails to donate to Locks of Love for wigs for cancer patients.]
3. Eating fast. [eating fast in the dark, in the rain and avoiding dust and sand while "masticating." Picking up whatever fell is another sig of being in the military since we have all eaten enough dirt, and, etc to not mind a little more minerals with our food ;-) ]
4. The power stance. [quietly confident without drawing unnecessary attention to yourself is a sure sign.]
5. Jargon. [I have gone out of my way to be careful how I talked and what I said. I am thankful I don't talk in my sleep - confirmed by my wife.]
6. Walking. [purposeful walking not aimlessly walking is a sign of military personnel.]
7. Sunglasses. [general no for me, especially when overseas because it looked to American. to blend in.]
8. Absurd politeness. [Yes respect is definitely a sign of genuine military personnel]
9. Scanning crowds. [Scanning crowds, routes, buildings, etc is a sign of being in the military. It took me years to be able to enjoy scenery without looking for potential ambush sites.]
10. Sleeping anywhere. [yes being able to sleep in blaring noise on a military aircraft, in a wet foxhole, in a snow covered environment or against rocks is one of the skills I am thankful for. ]
What are you thoughts gentlemen COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C. CPT L S CW5 Charlie Poulton SFC James Sczymanski SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SGT Forrest Stewart SGT Randal Groover SGT Robert Hawks SPC (Join to see)
1. Walking fast. [I have had to learn to slow down so that my wife can keep up - even when walking with a cane]
2. Hair. [I wore short hair for 34 years and now that I am out I have been growing ponytails to donate to Locks of Love for wigs for cancer patients.]
3. Eating fast. [eating fast in the dark, in the rain and avoiding dust and sand while "masticating." Picking up whatever fell is another sig of being in the military since we have all eaten enough dirt, and, etc to not mind a little more minerals with our food ;-) ]
4. The power stance. [quietly confident without drawing unnecessary attention to yourself is a sure sign.]
5. Jargon. [I have gone out of my way to be careful how I talked and what I said. I am thankful I don't talk in my sleep - confirmed by my wife.]
6. Walking. [purposeful walking not aimlessly walking is a sign of military personnel.]
7. Sunglasses. [general no for me, especially when overseas because it looked to American. to blend in.]
8. Absurd politeness. [Yes respect is definitely a sign of genuine military personnel]
9. Scanning crowds. [Scanning crowds, routes, buildings, etc is a sign of being in the military. It took me years to be able to enjoy scenery without looking for potential ambush sites.]
10. Sleeping anywhere. [yes being able to sleep in blaring noise on a military aircraft, in a wet foxhole, in a snow covered environment or against rocks is one of the skills I am thankful for. ]
What are you thoughts gentlemen COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C. CPT L S CW5 Charlie Poulton SFC James Sczymanski SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SGT Forrest Stewart SGT Randal Groover SGT Robert Hawks SPC (Join to see)
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
LTC Stephen F. thanks for bringing clarity to my thread, I appreciate your insight perspective. It is truly well conveyed and stated.
SSG Audwin Scott
I miss walking fast lol, due to a pinched nerve in my right leg and herniated disk in my lower back I forget I cant walk as fast as I use to and sometimes almost trip and fall because I am trying to move at my regular pace which is fast lol.
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