Posted on Dec 6, 2018
SSG(P) Photographer/Owner
Any soldier of any rank can recommend someone for an award, but unfortunately I don't see it very often. I've seen deserving soldiers get awards downgraded or disapproved altogether based on rank. I've seen awards like the Bronze Star Medal given out like candy for an end of deployment award. Also, despite the very few times in the regulations that state an award can or cannot be given to someone based on rank, I've noticed quite frequently that commands are making rank a requirement for certain awards...I.e AAM for E-5 and Below, ARCOM for E-6 to E-7, and Bronze Stars for E-7 to O-9. How do we fix this broken system? PFC (Join to see) SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SSG(P) James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" LTC Stephen F. CPL Dave Hoover SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth PVT James Strait SSG (Join to see) Capt Dwayne Conyers CPT Jack Durish
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Responses: 12
LTC Stephen F.
Interesting question, my friend SSG(P) (Join to see). To be honest I expect the award system is reflective of local command climate [brigade or higher]. Some units have a tendency to limit meritorious service awards [AAM, ARCM, ARCOM, BSM for deployment] to the most deserving from the command point of view while others are more liberal in awarding meritorious service awards.
Medals for valor are held to a much higher standard as it should be IMHO.
FYI COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Orlando Illi Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. Maj William W. 'Bill' Price CPT Jack Durish Capt Tom Brown CMSgt (Join to see) MSG Andrew White SFC William Farrell SGT (Join to see) Sgt Albert Castro SSgt Boyd Herrst] SSG Ray Adkins SGT Carl Beerbaur SGT Charles H. Hawes SSG Martin Byrne PO1 William "Chip" Nagel CPT Gabe SnellLTC Greg Henning
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
6 y
LTC Stephen F. SSG(P) (Join to see) Always a Good Question. I Will say it is Up to the Drive, Zeal and Word Mongering Talent of Superiors. Most don't have half a Clue how to Write up an Award or the Requirements. I was Lucky to have attended Telecommunications Managers School and they taught us how to write up everything from SOFAs *Status of Forces Agreements" to Awards. I think it should probably be Mandatory Training for Senior Enlisted give them the Confidence to Write Up their Folks for their Outstanding Accomplishments.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
6 y
1st of all... thx for the mention with my fellow RP mates..

What has to be fixed isawRds need to be earned. Quit passing them around like nickle candy on Halloween .. This applies to all. The services (i’m Not forgetting PHS[Public Health Service] when Obama Passed out the Prssidential Unit Citation [re: Ebola crisis]. There should even be a achievement ribbon for rear support personnel { those that provided materiel from the states}
When passing awards out just because s’one was in theater, not on sit-rep site.. I think it denegrates the meaning of the award for those that actually earned the award. This adds in the achievement medal too .. give support personnel achievement certificates (those that provided
Support from base..
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SGT Christopher Hayden
Everyone who was a Squad Leader and up got Bronze Stars, while everyone Team Leader and below got ARCOMs at the end of our deployment in 2005. At first glance, that seems kind of "unfair" but when you think about how much more time and "work" is put in as a Squad Leader and above compared to the guys below them, it makes more sense. I'm proud of that ARCOM even if it was essentially just a "Great job doing your job" award but never felt like I deserved a Bronze Star.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
6 y
I and a team went on a deploy and there were some anxious moments. I determined we all worked equally ffom bottom guys on up ! I didn’t submit for an award. I left that to my superiors if they could derive anything from my report. I had given a copy to Mission Officer and he said he would review my activity
Report. 8 months later.. based on his and his support staff and my superiors .. I and another Staff Sergeant recieved a commendation medal and the other 12 Airmen recieved an achievement medal. I wasn’t expecting that... I had felt we all did a job to complete our part of the mission. I was asked later .. We conferred together and decided what would be done and everything came to fruition with minor adjustment ..
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
The award system needs a small over haul, it works well when not abused.
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