LTC Gail Daras

LTC Gail Daras

Dates of Service: Oct 1988 - Oct 2014
83% Complete
147 Contacts
Influence Score: 29,518
2,125 out of 868,038 Veterans
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  • 2LT May 88
  • 1LT Oct 90
  • CPT Apr 94
  • MAJ Jun 05
  • LTC Aug 12
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, May 1988

Recent Activity  -


Advanced through a series of progressively responsible management positions based on demonstrated leadership and record of consistently exceeding high standards of performance within all areas. Top Secret Clearance with CI Polygraph. In addition to intelligence analyst was also a system safety engineer and radiation specialist for five years for FORSCOM as a contractor.

Military Experiences

Apr 2013 - Oct 2014
Deputy G3
Serve as the Intelligence Support Command action officer for the re-development project of the Back Hall Campus at Fort Gordon, GA. Manages preparation of rooms for the re-purposing of three facilities from NSA-Gordon to INSCOM to include the upgrade of structural systems, mechanical subsystems, power stations and IT topology. Synchronizes project management efforts of INSCOM staff, 513th MI BDE, 780th MI BDE, 706th MI Group, 902d MI Group and the Aerial Intelligence Brigade (Provisional). Oversees five contracting entities to conduct milestone synchronization for the removal of furniture, refurbishment of rooms and introduction of newly developed IT resources. Conducts senior staff briefings and presentations.
Mar 2011 - Apr 2013
ARCENT - Kuwait
Operations Officer
Operations Officer (forward), Third United States Army (USARCENT), responsible for assisting the Chief of Operations in coordinating and directing combat and sustainment operations for coalition and joint ground forces in the US Central Command Area of Responsibility. Directs and trains the battle captains and majors and other members of the staff in the Command Operations and Intelligence Center including representatives from all primary and special staff and Liaison Officers from joint service and subordinate commands. Responsible for preparing orders, FRAGOs and messages for the entire command. Assists the Deputy Commanding General in the preparation and conduct of the Area Support Element Afghanistan and Iraq meetings. Maintains the Task Organization for all units task organized.
Jan 2011 - Feb 2011
Brigade Operations (S3)
Operations Officer for a brigade-equivalent Human Intelligence (HUMINT) collection unit with a service-level worldwide, full spectrum collection mission. Responsible for developing and executing plans for the expansion of the unit collection capabilities, acquisition of manpower resources and provision of support to deployed combat units enabling Army HUMINT. Provides HUMINT expertise and input to Army and Department of Defense in support of HUMINT employment, doctrine development and Force Management. Develops concepts for training and employment of advanced HUMINT capabilities in support of combat units at the Tactical and Operational levels. Supervises the execution of the HUMINT Foundry Program.
Aug 2008 - Sep 2010
First Army HQ
Chief, Intelligence Support Element
Responsible for providing daily and weekly intelligence, analysis and weather products to the Commanding General and his staff for situational awareness in the First Army Area of Operations; disseminated intelligence products and services to two Training Support Divisions and sixteen Training Support Brigades. Assisted the First Army staff in interpreting the meaning and potential impact of intelligence and threat data on the Contemporary Operating Environment, concepts and doctrine, combat development and training. Analyzed threat information from all sources to include Human Intelligence, Measurement and Signature Intelligence and Signals Intelligence and assemble a holistic assessment. Interacted to identify, coordinate, submit, monitor, analyze intelligence & threat requirements.


(3 years, 1 month)
Mar 2011 - Apr 2013
As the Operations Officer and team lead for ARCENT Support Element-Afghanistan and ARCENT Support Element-Iraq, prepared over 100 briefings to the Deputy Commanding General. Ensured all staff sections maintained their current taskings and conducted ad hoc meetings to ensure each task was up to standard prior to the meeting.
Jul 1997 - Jan 1998
Managed international air and ground support operations for remote United Nations team of 34 in Western Sahara, Africa. Identified equipment needs; specified maintenance requirements for HVAC and industrial equipment; identified obsolete and malfunctioning equipment; procured fuel, water, food and supplies; coordinated air and ground distribution
Dec 1995 - Mar 1996
While deployed to Frankfort Germany to support peacekeeping mission in Bosnia directed the Joint STARS Joint Operations Center. Briefed supervisors daily of overnight changes, provided the daily operations report to Department of Defense, Army and Air Force leaders daily.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jul 2001

United States Army Intelligence School Foreign Disclosure Certification Course

Mar 2000

Joint Military Intelligence Training Center Mobile Foreign Exchange and Disclosure Course

Apr 1994 - May 1994

Combat Developer Course

Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher

Academic Degrees

Personal Information

Man and woman exercising ExercisingGreyhounds31ce836a ReadingSupporting my childrenAe5debb6 Travel


1SG Frank Boynton

Army | Transportation Senior Sergeant

Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
LTC Daras gets my leadership approval for attending Bloomsburg University! Go Huskies!!!
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
SPC(P) Doug Moxley

Army | Radio Operator-Maintainer

Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Sgt David G Duchesneau

Marine Corps | Rifleman

Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter