Recent Activity -
I spent 5 years active duty in the Army from August 1982 until April 1987. After that I started working for the Army as a civilian. I'm on my 28th year as a civilian and currently work as a GS13 at TAO Fort Detrick, Maryland where I serve as a Network / Systems Administrator. I also own a small part-time business Moxley Computers, LLC. Please check out my website, http://www.moxleycomputers.com.
Part-time business owner - Moxley Computers, LLC
Part-time business owner - Moxley Computers, LLC
Military Experiences
May 1984 - Apr 1987
Team Leader
Besides being assigned to the 269th Signal Company I also was on assignment with Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR), Stuttgart Germany. I saw some interesting places with them but caught hell for being a Leg! Joining the military truly was the best professional decision I ever made. It gave me the discipline, motivation and courage I needed to succeed in life!
Feb 1983 - Apr 1984
Radio Operator/Maintainer
With 1st CAV I was always on the move. It wasn't there too long before deploying to Germany for Reforger. This is where I pinned on E-2, E-3 and E-4 before a PCS to Germany.
Oct 1982 - Feb 1983
Aug 1982 - Oct 1982
Basic Trainee
Basic Trainee. Basic was easy at 17 years old and able to run 5 minute miles. Those days have long passed.
(10 months)Jan 1986 - Feb 1986

REFORGER - Exercise of the U.S. Army to enforce its continuing commitment to the defense of NATO and to illustrate its capability of rapid reinforcement of a large scale force deployment to West Germany.
May 1986 - Jun 1986
Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR) - Morón Air Base - Secured air base strip and surrounding area for President Ronald Reagan to land in Air Force One to meet with NATO dignitaries.
May 1985 - Jun 1985
Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR) - NATO Special Operations Headquarters - Secured area for special meeting at Supreme Headquarters for the allied powers of Europe.
Sep 1984 - Oct 1984

REFORGER - Exercise of the U.S. Army to enforce its continuing commitment to the defense of NATO and to illustrate its capability of rapid reinforcement of a large scale force deployment to West Germany.
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Oct 1982 - Feb 1983
U.S. Army Signal School
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Overall leadership, character, integrity, professionalism, performance, and management; while in garrison and deployed.
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Thanks for the endorsement
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character