Recent Activity -
I am committed to military standards, hands-on leadership, and have a real passion for helping people. My mission is to inspire generations by leading people to be purposeful and healthy. I was born and raised in NY. I became a part-time Army brat at age 11. I have four sisters, and I commit to excellence to be an example in their life. I own a real estate company and coach others now. Thank you.
Military Experiences
Apr 2015 - Nov 2015
Battalion Intelligence (S2)
Senior Intelligence Officer for a 550 person Special Troops Battalion comprised of a Headquarters Company, Movement Control Team, Human Resource Company and Two Finance Detachments. Responsible for the production and dissemination of strategic, combat intelligence as well as counterintelligence. Conducts detailed intelligence preparation of the battlefield analysis of assigned Operational Environments. Responsible for the production of the intelligence portion of operational plans and orders, along with all applicable annexes. Manages the unit's personnel and physical security programs; including buildings, safes, arms rooms, clearances and intelligence training. Provides technical expertise and advice to the battalion commander as it pertains to the intelligence field.
Oct 2013 - Apr 2014
Senior Intelligence Analyst
Intelligence Officer to a 500-man Joint Task Force with the mission to conduct conventional and highly sensitive special military operations in support of U.S. policies and objective. Plans, directs, processes and disseminates strategic and tactical intelligence in support of the Task's Force's combat and contingency operations. Prepares intelligence products to support planning, estimates and orders. Deployed as J2 in a Joint Special Operations Task Force responsible for conducting special operation missions within the CENTCOM AOR. Coordinates intelligence requirements with the Ranger Regiment, designated Joint Task Forces, national agencies and unified or specified commands.
Oct 2012 - Oct 2013
Assistant Brigade Intelligence Officer (S2)
Served as the Brigade Assistant S2 for the 45th Sustainment Brigade, consisting of one multifunctional Sustainment Battalion, and one Special Troops Battalion, totaling over 1100 Soldiers providing support to 8th Theater Sustainment Command and theater engagement operations. Responsible for providing all-source intelligence assessments and estimates at the tactical and operational levels dealing with enemy capabilities, intentions, vulnerabilities and the effects of terrain and weather on operations; responsible for Brigade information, personnel and physical security programs and derogatory reporting system.
Jan 2012 - Oct 2012
Company Executive Officer
Executive Officer of a Military Intelligence Company. Assists the commander in discipline, training, welfare, morale, control and tactical employment of 110 Soldiers. Responsible for providing timely and relevant Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) 24 hours a day in support of the NSA/CSS-H, USPACOM, and USARPAC. Supervises logistical and maintenance support during garrison, field and combat operations. Orchestrates and directly supervises the maintenance and accountability of over $100,000 in intelligence production equipment.
Additional duties include Battalion Safety Officer, Battalion OPSEC Officer and Battalion Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection Officer.
(7 months)Oct 2013 - Apr 2014
Intelligence Officer to a 500-man Joint Task Force with the mission to conduct conventional and highly sensitive special military operations in support of U.S. policies and objective. Plans, directs, processes and disseminates strategic and tactical intelligence in support of the Task's Force's combat and contingency operations.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information