Posted on Jul 1, 2015
Sgt Michael Penney
Here is our response to a question recently asked on BloodStripes.

How would you handle this?
Edited >1 y ago
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LTC Paul Labrador
Same way to you get to Carnegie Hall: PRACTICE.

I concur with everyone's responses so far: show him how to do it by the numbers. Then have him do it with you a couple times. Once he seems to get the hang of it, have him practice on his own to burn it into muscle memory. Then later on have him demonstrate it back to you. No need to yell, no need to make him feels stupid. That will only make the problem worse.

Now, once he can actually do it consistenty, but is having specific problems (getting the charging handle to marry up, getting the cam pin to come out, etc) THEN you can show him any of the tricks you may have picked up to address these issues.
Sgt Michael Penney
Sgt Michael Penney
>1 y
Thank you for the comment sir, I appreciate the input!

The goal of is to provide Marines and corpsmen with the professional development knowledge they need.

How can we better accomplish our mission? What would you recommend we add to the site?
1SG(P) 1st Sergeant
1SG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Sgt Penney. They are two ways of teaching. Basic Training/Boot Camp style where you push them hard and fast and then there is the SMART way of teaching/coaching (Specific-Measurable-Attainable-Realistc-Timeable). It's not necessarily a military method but one we use in the private sector for training and coaching.
LCpl Dan McTiernan
LCpl Dan McTiernan
>1 y
1SG(P) (Join to see) - Agreed, however, I cannot fathom an individual completing boot camp and 2nd itr not being able to disassemble and reassemble their weapon in the United States Marine Corps Not possible
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Capt Jeff S.
Edited >1 y ago
Can't put the bolt in his weapon but passed the ASVAB and got through bootcamp? ???

This problem didn't just happen. Seems you have a leadership challenge because others along the way didn't exercise proper leadership and properly train this Marine. Honestly, is it that difficult to put a bolt in your weapon when most people can do it blindfolded?!!

If the Marine finds putting the bolt in their weapon difficult, I suspect they probably have trouble brushing their teeth and tying their boots as well. You have to ask yourself, would I want to depend on this guy to keep me alive in combat? You have to make the effort to try and train this individual, but if they don't respond well to remedial training, IMHO your best option would be to hasten an early exit from the Marines for this individual.
Sgt Michael Penney
Sgt Michael Penney
>1 y
Thank you for the comment sir! I can't even believe this is an issue. That is why we have created Marines shouldn't be making these types of mistakes.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
I think what many are missing on this is that it is virtually inconceivable that a Marine could get through boot camp and not be able to field strip his rifle on command, in the dark. I wouldn't want this guy anywhere near me. I would find out who his drill instructor was and call him. Every Marines is a rifleman first. What in the hell happened here? It is too simple a task not to be learnable. period. I think this is intentional stupidity.
PVT Andrew Burd
PVT Andrew Burd
>1 y
It was almost 25 years ago, but as I recall, there was absolutely NOTHING in the ASVAB that covered the use and maintenance of firearms. Not really sure how that applies.
PFC Bradley Campbell
PFC Bradley Campbell
>1 y
send him back to the boot camp he came from. have him hand deliver a letter to the company commander explaining why he is being returned.
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GySgt John O'Donnell
Teach the Marine how to do it via facilitation and demonstration, then supervise their practical application of the lesson learned.
Sgt Michael Penney
Sgt Michael Penney
>1 y
Thank you for the comment gunny!

Are there other things we should add to How can we better serve those still in uniform?
GySgt David Andrews
GySgt David Andrews
>1 y
Agree with GySgt O'Donnell. Teach him in steps like an assault briefing.
Step 1! Pull charging handle!
Step 2! Remove front pin!
Step 3! ..... On and on.
Introduce it into a tune.
Teach then observe.
If after all this and he still can't tell him to go to the Air Force lol.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Things must have changed. I've never seen those first two steps together... : )~
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