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I am a father, a Marine combat veteran, an inventor and a business owner.
Listen to our Marine podcast @ cigarsandseastories.com
Lets connect, network and change the world...AGAIN
Since leaving the Marine Corps in May of 2012, I have been pursuing a life in entrepreneurship. In July 2014, I attended EBV: Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with disabilities. The program is an excellent introduction into the world of running businesses. The network of instructors and influential figures is unmatched at any other program. I'm proud to call myself a member of the EBV family and I highly recommend EBV to every veteran.
Listen to our Marine podcast @ cigarsandseastories.com
Lets connect, network and change the world...AGAIN
Since leaving the Marine Corps in May of 2012, I have been pursuing a life in entrepreneurship. In July 2014, I attended EBV: Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with disabilities. The program is an excellent introduction into the world of running businesses. The network of instructors and influential figures is unmatched at any other program. I'm proud to call myself a member of the EBV family and I highly recommend EBV to every veteran.
Military Experiences
Sep 2010 - May 2012
Police Advisor Team Leader
While serving in 1st Battalion 5th Marines, H&S CO., police advisor team 2, I performed the duties and responsibilities of police advior team section leader and designated marksman.
I was tasked with leading the training cadre of Infantry and military police charged with mentoring Afghan Forces in the Kajaki area of Helmand province. We assessed, trained, advised and assisted local Afghan units in their mission of governing the local population.
The Marines and corpsmen of 1/5 are highly respected as war fighters. Their slogan, "Make Peace or DIE!" strikes fear into the hearts of the enemy. The truly scary part is...they back it up with violence of action.
I am proud to have served with such a professional unit.
I was tasked with leading the training cadre of Infantry and military police charged with mentoring Afghan Forces in the Kajaki area of Helmand province. We assessed, trained, advised and assisted local Afghan units in their mission of governing the local population.
The Marines and corpsmen of 1/5 are highly respected as war fighters. Their slogan, "Make Peace or DIE!" strikes fear into the hearts of the enemy. The truly scary part is...they back it up with violence of action.
I am proud to have served with such a professional unit.
Apr 2008 - Aug 2010
Combat Marksmanship Instructor
While serving in Weapons Training Battalion, Training Command, I performed the duties and responsibilities of combat marksmanship instructor.
The pathway to marksmanship instructor includes three main components; coach, trainer, formal school instructor. As a coach, I learned to importance of individual fundamentals of shooting. Hitting the target comes down to discipline in execution of the fundamentals. At the trainer level, a coach learns how to work with multiple shooters during training evolutions. Marines trained in formal school instruction provide classroom training prior to live-fire.
I wanted to become a combat marksmanship instructor because Marines are proud and capable marksmen. This pride in our skill and aptitude for combat, sets Marines apart as war fighters.
The pathway to marksmanship instructor includes three main components; coach, trainer, formal school instructor. As a coach, I learned to importance of individual fundamentals of shooting. Hitting the target comes down to discipline in execution of the fundamentals. At the trainer level, a coach learns how to work with multiple shooters during training evolutions. Marines trained in formal school instruction provide classroom training prior to live-fire.
I wanted to become a combat marksmanship instructor because Marines are proud and capable marksmen. This pride in our skill and aptitude for combat, sets Marines apart as war fighters.
Feb 2005 - Feb 2008
Vehicle Commander
While serving with 3rd Battalion 7th Marines, I performed the duties and responsibilities of combat driver, vehicle commander and dismounted patrol leader. I earned my first combat action ribbon in Ramadi Iraq as well and my first Navy and Marine Corps achievement medal for actions in finding multiple enemy weapons caches.
My experiences in 3/7 prepared me for, not only combat, but life in general. The Marines and corpsmen I served with were unmatched as professional warriors and I had fantastic leaders to call upon for guidance. Everyday we trained for the fight spending countless hours drilling with weapon systems and performing numerous real-world training exercises.
As a grunt, I couldn't have been blessed with a better unit or duty station to start my career in the Corps.
My experiences in 3/7 prepared me for, not only combat, but life in general. The Marines and corpsmen I served with were unmatched as professional warriors and I had fantastic leaders to call upon for guidance. Everyday we trained for the fight spending countless hours drilling with weapon systems and performing numerous real-world training exercises.
As a grunt, I couldn't have been blessed with a better unit or duty station to start my career in the Corps.
(2 years, 1 month)Mar 2011 - Nov 2011

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
While serving in 1st Battalion 5th Marines, H&S co., Police advisor team 2, I performed the duties and responsibilities of section leader
Mission: to assess, train, advise and, assist local national forces in their mission. We did so by partnering Marine units with Afghan Uniformed Police in order to bring security and stability to the region.
Mission: to assess, train, advise and, assist local national forces in their mission. We did so by partnering Marine units with Afghan Uniformed Police in order to bring security and stability to the region.
Mar 2007 - Nov 2007

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
While serving in 3rd Battalion 7th Marines, weapons co, combine anti-armor team WHITE, Ramadi, Iraq, I performed the duties and responsibilities of vehicle commander and, dismounted patrol leader.
Our unit was 1 of, only, 2 to deploy twice in Ramadi. Although the second trip was less eventful, it was extremely hair raising.
Our unit was 1 of, only, 2 to deploy twice in Ramadi. Although the second trip was less eventful, it was extremely hair raising.
Sep 2005 - Mar 2006

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
While serving in 3rd Battalion 7th Marines, weapons co, combine anti-armor team RED, Ramadi, Iraq, I performed the duties and responsibilities of a combat driver, vehicle commander and, quick reaction force [QRF] High-back driver.
Our unit fought against the Iraqi insurgency in an, entirely, urban battlefield.
Our unit fought against the Iraqi insurgency in an, entirely, urban battlefield.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Sep 2010 - Nov 2010
Police Advisor Course
Jun 2009 - Jul 2009
Designated Marksman Course
May 2009 - Jun 2009
Foreign Weapons Instructors Course
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Apr 2008 - May 2008
Combat Marksmanship Coach
May 2012
NRA Chief Range Safety Officer
Mar 2012
NRA rifle, pistol, shotgun muzzleloader instructor
Mar 2012
NRA rifle, pistol, shotgun instructor
Security Clearance
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