Posted on Aug 29, 2023
PO3 Shauneille Peoples
I had most of my injury surgies at Andrews AirForce base hospital. The VA is saying that means I get no benefits for my injuries. I find that hard, and they won't go to Andrews to get information saying I had the surgeries.
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Responses: 90
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Most of the claims that are submitted directly by the claimant fail to get recognized as there is insufficient medical information and other information on which to base an acceptance of a claim... You don't need an attorney as there are certified resources in the DAV in your area to assist you with filing a claim...they can help and advise you what VA forms you need to provide and if you provide the information on requested on the form, the correct documentation will be forwarded directly to the correct VA claim center and the Service Officer will follow it through...More information may be needed, but they will assist you...but you have to maintain contact with your designated Service Officer working with you... Message me if you want to contact a DAV Service Officer near you.

Kerry Harkins
Commander and CSO
DAV Chapter 90
Norwood, Massachusetts
SFC Barbara Layman
SFC Barbara Layman
7 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - The VA will even provide meds and medical equipment/supplies prescribed by a 'private' physician or certified practitioner. I have received such through my local VA facility.
Just in case is may not be obvious to some, I am female and have had no difficulty dealing with the VA.

IMHO, any VA employee who fails to take the extra necessary steps to provide service to a veteran should be immediately terminated. It's one thing to say 'it can't be done' and another to say "I have to look that up. Give me a day or so and I'll get back to you."
Every VA facility has a patient advocate on staff. If you are having difficulty getting necessary services, find that office and visit before leaving the facility.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
7 mo
SrA Cecelia Eareckson -
Just In Case: Give It A Shot (Maybe Again),But The Hot-Like Will Continue With Your
Cases As Long As You're Willing To Hang In There & Keep Raising Hell. It's Taken Me SO FAR 2 + Fa-King YEARS, But I'll Be Damned If I'll Let These SOB'S Win; And I'll Keep Rattling Cages, Even If All It Does Is Piss Therm Off ~~ And Believe Me, It DOES, And I LOVE It. ~~ LMFAO ~ Those Sumbitches Have No Idea What I'll Do Next Nor Where It'll Come From ~ (And, At Times, Neither Do I) ~ And I Love It That Way ~ Up Theirs~
Here's The Wording I'll Be Using To Have 500 Card Printed Up, So I Can Distribute Them When I Go The VA Health Care(Less) Facilities:

VA Hotline Customer Service Representative at
[login to see] .
Washington, D.C.


"Is A Military Veteran Entitled To Care And Supplies,
Through ANY VA Facility, Regardless Of Where He Resides"?
Yes, a military veteran can receive medical products from out-of-state VA facilities, even if they are not living there.
SPC Matt Ovaska
SPC Matt Ovaska
5 mo
If you call the VA hotline they will offer you a free coloring book...
Sgt Dave VonAllmen
Sgt Dave VonAllmen
5 mo
I went to a CSO 12 years ago and was told that I really didn't have a claim, sorry nothing we can do for you. walked out and filed on my own and 16 months later finally got my 100% so needless to say I don't think to much of CSO's.
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SSG Michael Noll
You have to provide medical documentation I was always told. Can you request a copy of your medical records? I turned in a copy and have my original copy and x-rays as well.
SPC Matt Ovaska
SPC Matt Ovaska
9 mo
Never give them your original copy. IF you do, it will get lost.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
8 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison I fought and finally got myself through that quagmire. I encourage everyone to get copies of their medical records or to at least keep track of tests and visits which includes any dental care. Sad that we have to do that but things do get lost. Imagine a lot of your medical paperwork being handwritten like mine was (pre-computer) and having the ink fade before the records were copied into the main database.
But don't give up, advocacy has gotten a lot better in terms of helping us out with these claims and tracking down lost paperwork. Find a Veterans Service Officer, VSO in your area. If you're near a VA Hospital they have one or there should be one in your community. They may be associated with service groups like the American Legion or DAV. Our local VSO has an office in the courthouse.
Sgt Yolanda Sullivan
Sgt Yolanda Sullivan
8 mo
SGT Lorenzo Nieto - I did my own claims after working with a VSO and got denied. I obtained vital information from a Facebook group and now I am at 80% So no you don't need a VSO, you just need to know what information the VA is looking for.
SPC Matt Ovaska
SPC Matt Ovaska
5 mo
I have no idea how to access face book.
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SGT Karen Emanuelson
I want to second what Sgt Kerry Harkins said about the DAV (Disabled American Veterans) Those folks are ROCK STARS & fought for me for over 25 years. I know I'm an odd case--but I CONTINUALLY had all my claims denied by the VA for 25 years. I had a hearing with a VA judge on 14 Feb 2014 & my representative for that hearing was a DAV fellow up in Denver I'd never met or talked to before. He POURED over my claims & records--even working on them overnight. This man, Steve was his name--was absolutely AMAZING. I asked him if he thought the VA kept denying all my claims because I refused my ETS physical & he said YES & wondered why would I do such a thing. the last physical of my life decades ago, I went to a "demand" physical (I had no choice but to go) when I was pregnant with my daughter & the physician sexually assaulted me during the "physical." Steve explained that to the VA judge--her eyes got HUGE & he told her we're not filing on that today & will get to that later. WELL in November of the same year I started going to Comp & Pens (compensation & pension exams) and in the new year, I started winning. Started off at 30% & in 5 years, made it to 100%. I know you're frustrated with the 3 years, but the VA tends not to move quickly or very well for the most part. Here's the upside: You will get back pay! I got 7 years back pay & used the $$$ as a down payment on my ranch. So--get in touch with the DAV & let them help you. Another group of folks who helped me were at the VBA which has an office in the VA I go to in Colorado Springs. The important thing is to not give up.
SGT Lorenzo Nieto
SGT Lorenzo Nieto
9 mo
I’m glad they did good for you, wish I could say the same.
SPC Matt Ovaska
SPC Matt Ovaska
5 mo
At ETS at Ft Lewis, they bribed us into refusing the physical. They saved the VA millions.
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