Society of American Military Engineers (SAME)
Society of American Military Engineers (SAME)
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About SAME
The Society of American Military Engineers is the premier professional military engineering association in the United States. Founded in 1920, SAME unites public and private sector individuals and organizations from across the architecture, engineering, construction, environmental, facility management, contracting and acquisition fields and related disciplines in support of national security.
Headquartered in Alexandria, Va., SAME provides its more than 30,000 members extensive opportunities for training, education and professional development through a robust offering of conferences, workshops, networking events and publications. With a membership that includes recent service academy graduates and retired engineering officers, project managers and corporate executives, uniformed and public sector professionals and private sector experts, SAME bridges the gaps between critical stakeholders to help secure our nation.
SAME consists of 105 Posts and more than 50 Student Chapters and Field Chapters around the world along with a headquarters staff. Nationally, the organization is led by a volunteer Board of Direction that comprises five National Officers, 17 Regional Vice Presidents, the Chairs of the Mission Committees & Councils and 12 Elected Directors who serve three-year terms and are elected in groups of four annually.
How the organization supports veterans
SAME is the premier military engineering association in the United States bringing together public and private sector professionals to build connections, share lessons learned, and develop solutions to strengthen our national security.
SAME supports our military member by offering educational opportunities for personal growth, through mentoring of transitioning military and by giving to programs like Wounded Warriors and QRL Plus.
Become a Member
Today, members include men and women in all United States uniformed services; civilians working for federal, state and local agencies; academics; students; and architects, engineers, constructors, project and program managers, facility management and environmental practicioners, and business development and contracting professionals working for private industry firms.
SAME offers individual and corporate memberships.
Member benefits include:
- Access to cutting-edge professional development opportunities.
- Discounts to education and training through SAME’s Strategic Partnerships.
- Networking connections with government and industry leaders.
- Volunteer leadership opportunities at the local, regional and national levels.
- Relationship building through a network of 104 Posts around the world plus Student Chapters and Field Chapters.
- Subscription to The Military Engineer magazine.
And much, much more!
Most recent contributors: Marc Bialek