Washington, DC
Washington, DC
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National capital for the United States of America. Home to multiple military bases including the Pentagon, the Navy Yard, Marine Corps Barracks, Fort Myer, and Fort Belvoir.
Things to do here
1. Monuments (Jefferson, Lincoln, etc.)
2. Government building tours (Pentagon and White House require advanced reservations with screening)
3. Museums
4. Parks
5. Military band concerts
1. Old Town
2. Potomac Mills
Things to avoid here
1. Chain restaurants (Local places often include more unique food at competitive price)
2. Rental cars (higher costs, less parking)
3. Paid express lane pass (if only for weekday commute, offer to carry 'slugs' to use lane for free)
Advice for those moving here
1. Adapt to greatly increased traffic. "Slugging" (Organized sanctioned hitchhiking) and public transportation (bus, Metrorail, etc.) are popular options for many personnel including senior leaders
2. Higher housing costs ($1400-1500 monthly for efficiency) compared to many other American cities
3. Parks and recreation areas are plentiful for exercise and community activities
4. Weather is cloudier and rainy compared to other American regions (e.g. CA, TX, etc.)
5. Be aware of diverse population. Large number of Asians, Arabs, and Hispanics compared to rural American south.
6. Significant numbers of federal employees or military personnel commute to work in civilian clothes (personal comfort and anti-terrorism security) and change into work clothes / uniform at office.
7. Many colleges outside of DC have a local chapter. Connect if homesick or wanting to expand network.
Most recent contributors: LTC Eugene Chu