Bensalem, PA
Servicemembers at Bensalem, PA | RallyPoint
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Army National Guard | Infantry Officer
Adjunct Chemistry Lecturer at Rowan University (Higher Education)
Aug 2019 - Present

Air Force | Cyber Security (IA and COMSEC)
Information Security (IS) Engineer at CIGNA Healthcare (Healthcare)
Jul 2000 - Present

Army Reserve | Internment/Resettlement Specialist
Squad Leader at 367th MP, 744th MP, 333rd MP BDE, 200th MPCOM
Nov 2017 - Present


Marine Corps | Air Traffic Control Radar Technician
Endpoint Technical Support at Zensar Technologies
Jul 2022 - Present

Air Force | Law Enforcement Supervisor
Director Surveillance at parx casino (Gambling and Casinos)
Sep 2006 - Present

Navy | Aviation Machinist's Mate
Service representative at Cintas document management
Jul 2013 - Present

May 2014 - Present

Jun 2015 - Present