Posted on Jul 10, 2023
Should POTUS Biden ask Congress to take $360 Billion from climate change and reallocate it to emergency ordnance resupply?
President Biden told our adversaries on 7-9-2023 that we are low on Artillery ammunition. I bet if President Trump did this in a TV interview, we would have an impeachment proceeding.
+++++Update 1-10-2024
The Recent Houthis attack on shipping has caused the US Navy to spend $17 million in shooting down 24 drones in one day. The US Destroyers and US Navy aircraft has expended about $80 million just in the last 2 months. The Stupid Biden Administration has this slush fund to go green that should be used to resupply our US military.
+++++Update 10-7-2023 Israel now getting USA emergency resupply of Artillery and laser-guided Bombs+++++ Political Climate Change is more important than this 'Climate Emergency'. I do not care what President Biden and Greta Thunberg say....
The Inflation Reduction Act was a crock of crap. It was basically a Trojan horse Green New Deal. Over $360 billion dollars of this measure was immediately touted by President Biden and by climate Czar John Kerry as a means to help other countries go green by bribes or by buying hardware from communist China. America First not America Last like President Mr. Magoo Biden leads from the rear and says stupid things like "God Save the Queen, Man!."
President Biden has claimed that 'Climate change aka Global Warming or AKA Climate Emergency' is the biggest existential threat. The earth is warming anyways, why bother? We have gone through warming periods and ice ages for billions of years.
Climate Change? Never mind that our artillery inventory is running extremely low.
Climate Change? Never mind that China has built four aircraft carriers in the last 5 Years with a specific intent to defend or screen US Navy forces from getting close to Taiwan because those baby flat tops will carry anti-ship missiles as well as nuclear weapons.
I suggest that Congress and the foolish President come forth with a plan to do an Operation Warp Speed for Ordnance of all kinds as well as doubling or tripling our capacity in restocking our heavy artillery and our Navy ordnance. This also includes Tank Production and Anti-tank weapons as well.
Before the War Began in Ukraine or continued after February of 2023, Taiwan had ordered 108 Abrams main battle tanks. We only have one major tank Factory in Ohio with 800 workers. Making a dozen tanks a month is not going to help matters when you have Taiwan competing with Poland and other NATO countries that also want the M1A2 tanks. Taiwan just got 2 Abrams tanks in June. This will take a decade with the slow production and high demand of MBTs.
President Biden and Janet Yellen are kind of like Mr. Rogers and Mr. Magoo of diplomats. They're too nice and too naive and try to kiss ass to China when the Chinese Premiere is telling his People's Liberation Army Navy to get ready for the invasion of Taiwan. Janet Yellen bowed to the Vice-President of China. We bow to nobody! The Chinese blow us off and we kiss their asses. This shows signs of weakness which is the SOP for the Biden Administration.
President Biden is a horrible president who says that we are in 'competition' with China when China is not playing fair and threatening their neighbors.
We should have something like a President Trump Operation Warp Speed. Democrats try revisionism saying that President Trump didn't have a vaccine mitigation plan when he had a Logistics four-star General work with the pharmaceutical companies to produce the vaccines in a proper time frame. They were not perfect and yet President Biden and his missing Vice-President Harris were all given the vaccinations before they took office. They claim they didn't have a plan when they did.
That being said, the US should go on a war footing we should triple our capacity and make 155mm and other artillery shells. We should increase our production of anti-ship missiles, torpedoes and Javelin missile systems that Taiwan has also ordered and has to wait a year or more to get.
Looking at history, in 2018, a four-star Admiral going for his Ambassadorship (Harry Harris) warned about Taiwan being threatened by China in the South China Sea.
You have the current and former four-star Admirals of the Pacific Command warning about a possible war with China. You had a one-star Admiral Warren warn Congress three years ago that we were probably going to be fighting China by 2027 yet our Mr Magoo President still thinks that you can be nice to China when China is stabbing Us in the back, stealing our trade Secrets and using their united front not to mention probably sneaking agents into the poorest Southern Border in preparation of having us have civil Strife and sabotage at the right time.
Canada is one of the five eyes and their intelligence Services have given a high threat to communist China and its potential to invade Taiwan. I'm sure all other four members of the five eyes concur but President Biden still thinks that 'climate change' is number one. The earth is warming no matter what we do and a limited nuclear war will mean cooler weather and no more need for electric cars and Green Energy.
The war in Ukraine is at a stalemate and going to Cluster Munitions because we are out of regular high-explosive Munitions means that we don't have the capacity when we should go to an all-war footing. In World War II we had the Singer sewing machine and many other companies including General Motors making weapons of war. I'm sure we have enough idle plants around, especially with President Biden's bad tax and spend (Anti -Trickle Down STUPID policies) are not helping at all. His anti-supply side economics
is slowing the economy down with his stupid inflation and raising interest rates. People are getting laid off so why don't we take the $360 billion dollars that we would have used to bribe other countries and use this money to support and rebuild our infrastructure of producing tanks, producing Naval weaponry and artillery shells?
The US Navy said that they would only be able to last about one week fighting a war with China because torpedo, missile and artillery supplies would be depleted after about a week.
So much for the peace dividend of the Church of the bad Green New Deal that buys everything through communist China.
Golf Delta climate change is not the biggest existential threat. President Biden telling our adversaries on TV on July 9th, 2023 that we are short on ammunition is the wrong thing to do. If President Trump would have said something like this, you know Congress would have done articles of impeachment.
Went in a bad peace, prepare for war and NOT climate change because you will get your global cooling by a limited nuclear war but the left doesn't want to tell you this. They want to scare you to take money away from defense as a united front fifth column paranoia to divide us from within.
+++++Update 1-10-2024
The Recent Houthis attack on shipping has caused the US Navy to spend $17 million in shooting down 24 drones in one day. The US Destroyers and US Navy aircraft has expended about $80 million just in the last 2 months. The Stupid Biden Administration has this slush fund to go green that should be used to resupply our US military.
+++++Update 10-7-2023 Israel now getting USA emergency resupply of Artillery and laser-guided Bombs+++++ Political Climate Change is more important than this 'Climate Emergency'. I do not care what President Biden and Greta Thunberg say....
The Inflation Reduction Act was a crock of crap. It was basically a Trojan horse Green New Deal. Over $360 billion dollars of this measure was immediately touted by President Biden and by climate Czar John Kerry as a means to help other countries go green by bribes or by buying hardware from communist China. America First not America Last like President Mr. Magoo Biden leads from the rear and says stupid things like "God Save the Queen, Man!."
President Biden has claimed that 'Climate change aka Global Warming or AKA Climate Emergency' is the biggest existential threat. The earth is warming anyways, why bother? We have gone through warming periods and ice ages for billions of years.
Climate Change? Never mind that our artillery inventory is running extremely low.
Climate Change? Never mind that China has built four aircraft carriers in the last 5 Years with a specific intent to defend or screen US Navy forces from getting close to Taiwan because those baby flat tops will carry anti-ship missiles as well as nuclear weapons.
I suggest that Congress and the foolish President come forth with a plan to do an Operation Warp Speed for Ordnance of all kinds as well as doubling or tripling our capacity in restocking our heavy artillery and our Navy ordnance. This also includes Tank Production and Anti-tank weapons as well.
Before the War Began in Ukraine or continued after February of 2023, Taiwan had ordered 108 Abrams main battle tanks. We only have one major tank Factory in Ohio with 800 workers. Making a dozen tanks a month is not going to help matters when you have Taiwan competing with Poland and other NATO countries that also want the M1A2 tanks. Taiwan just got 2 Abrams tanks in June. This will take a decade with the slow production and high demand of MBTs.
President Biden and Janet Yellen are kind of like Mr. Rogers and Mr. Magoo of diplomats. They're too nice and too naive and try to kiss ass to China when the Chinese Premiere is telling his People's Liberation Army Navy to get ready for the invasion of Taiwan. Janet Yellen bowed to the Vice-President of China. We bow to nobody! The Chinese blow us off and we kiss their asses. This shows signs of weakness which is the SOP for the Biden Administration.
President Biden is a horrible president who says that we are in 'competition' with China when China is not playing fair and threatening their neighbors.
We should have something like a President Trump Operation Warp Speed. Democrats try revisionism saying that President Trump didn't have a vaccine mitigation plan when he had a Logistics four-star General work with the pharmaceutical companies to produce the vaccines in a proper time frame. They were not perfect and yet President Biden and his missing Vice-President Harris were all given the vaccinations before they took office. They claim they didn't have a plan when they did.
That being said, the US should go on a war footing we should triple our capacity and make 155mm and other artillery shells. We should increase our production of anti-ship missiles, torpedoes and Javelin missile systems that Taiwan has also ordered and has to wait a year or more to get.
Looking at history, in 2018, a four-star Admiral going for his Ambassadorship (Harry Harris) warned about Taiwan being threatened by China in the South China Sea.
You have the current and former four-star Admirals of the Pacific Command warning about a possible war with China. You had a one-star Admiral Warren warn Congress three years ago that we were probably going to be fighting China by 2027 yet our Mr Magoo President still thinks that you can be nice to China when China is stabbing Us in the back, stealing our trade Secrets and using their united front not to mention probably sneaking agents into the poorest Southern Border in preparation of having us have civil Strife and sabotage at the right time.
Canada is one of the five eyes and their intelligence Services have given a high threat to communist China and its potential to invade Taiwan. I'm sure all other four members of the five eyes concur but President Biden still thinks that 'climate change' is number one. The earth is warming no matter what we do and a limited nuclear war will mean cooler weather and no more need for electric cars and Green Energy.
The war in Ukraine is at a stalemate and going to Cluster Munitions because we are out of regular high-explosive Munitions means that we don't have the capacity when we should go to an all-war footing. In World War II we had the Singer sewing machine and many other companies including General Motors making weapons of war. I'm sure we have enough idle plants around, especially with President Biden's bad tax and spend (Anti -Trickle Down STUPID policies) are not helping at all. His anti-supply side economics
is slowing the economy down with his stupid inflation and raising interest rates. People are getting laid off so why don't we take the $360 billion dollars that we would have used to bribe other countries and use this money to support and rebuild our infrastructure of producing tanks, producing Naval weaponry and artillery shells?
The US Navy said that they would only be able to last about one week fighting a war with China because torpedo, missile and artillery supplies would be depleted after about a week.
So much for the peace dividend of the Church of the bad Green New Deal that buys everything through communist China.
Golf Delta climate change is not the biggest existential threat. President Biden telling our adversaries on TV on July 9th, 2023 that we are short on ammunition is the wrong thing to do. If President Trump would have said something like this, you know Congress would have done articles of impeachment.
Went in a bad peace, prepare for war and NOT climate change because you will get your global cooling by a limited nuclear war but the left doesn't want to tell you this. They want to scare you to take money away from defense as a united front fifth column paranoia to divide us from within.
Edited 1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 25
Posted >1 y ago
He's so full of it that if someone were to kick it out of him all you'd have left is a pile of clothes atop a pair of shoes. . . .
SPC Vincent Ferri
10 mo
Traitor Trump has just graduated to become a 34 count convicted felon. And since the UCMJ prohibits felons from serving, his status as a convicted felon should make him ineligible to be Commander-in-Chief or president.
PVT Mark Whitcomb
9 mo
SPC Vincent Ferri - This conviction will be overturned. It will be shown to be nothing more than what it was. an attempt to influence the election. No one has ever been convicted of this crime. In fact if you actually look at what happened you will realize that these people could make up anything and convict you.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 mo
PVT Mark Whitcomb -
You May Be Absolutely Correct;
Trump's Gotten Away With A Multitude of Various Crimes
And Events In His Life.. Even His Daddy Made A Deal With A Doctor
And Got Him Out Of The Draft FIVE Times ~ With F-KIN Non-Existent Bone Spurs.
And NOW ~ Oh Lucky Us ~ He's "The Commander-In-Chief Of All American Military Forces" .... Lies, Pays -Offs, Bribes, Are His Way Of Life, And We Became His Victims ~~
Gee Thanks, Pendejo !
You May Be Absolutely Correct;
Trump's Gotten Away With A Multitude of Various Crimes
And Events In His Life.. Even His Daddy Made A Deal With A Doctor
And Got Him Out Of The Draft FIVE Times ~ With F-KIN Non-Existent Bone Spurs.
And NOW ~ Oh Lucky Us ~ He's "The Commander-In-Chief Of All American Military Forces" .... Lies, Pays -Offs, Bribes, Are His Way Of Life, And We Became His Victims ~~
Gee Thanks, Pendejo !
Posted >1 y ago
LTC (Join to see) We obviously know the answer is yes, but this administration won't move the money. That would mean putting America first and that's just not Biden's style. Nor is it in the democrat guidebook.
Where is the Secretary of 'Duh'fence on this? Absent.Of course, he be complaining of the Pentagon buffet was out of his favorite food, but on this, crickets.
Where is the CJCS, GEN Me Lee on this? Again, absent. But if it were DEI requirements, he'd be in his 'Captain Pronoun' outfit armed with empathy statements and ready to battle 'white rage'.
Where is the Secretary of 'Duh'fence on this? Absent.Of course, he be complaining of the Pentagon buffet was out of his favorite food, but on this, crickets.
Where is the CJCS, GEN Me Lee on this? Again, absent. But if it were DEI requirements, he'd be in his 'Captain Pronoun' outfit armed with empathy statements and ready to battle 'white rage'.
LTC (Join to see)
5 d
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
Remember Gigi Sohn wanted to shut down Fox News.
Weirdo Gigi Sohn tweeted that Fox News was State-Sponsored Propaganda.
Attached below was KJP of the White House on State-sponsored lies.
SFC Ralph E Kelley A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. PO3 Shayne Seibert LTC Trent Klug SrA Bruce Banner LTC John Wilson SrA Bruce Banner
Remember Gigi Sohn wanted to shut down Fox News.
Weirdo Gigi Sohn tweeted that Fox News was State-Sponsored Propaganda.
Attached below was KJP of the White House on State-sponsored lies.
SFC Ralph E Kelley A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. PO3 Shayne Seibert LTC Trent Klug SrA Bruce Banner LTC John Wilson SrA Bruce Banner
VOA - Voice of America English News
Accurate, objective news coverage from the U.S. and around the world.
LTC (Join to see)
5 d
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
Sieg Heil to DEI/-CRT and that Trump stole the Election in 2016 Propaganda as well as the US Border being secured. KJ p should host a modern version of the liars club.
SFC Ralph E Kelley A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. PO3 Shayne Seibert LTC Trent Klug CSM Charles Hayden CSM Charles Hayden SrA Bruce Banner LTC John Wilson
SFC Ralph E Kelley
Sieg Heil to DEI/-CRT and that Trump stole the Election in 2016 Propaganda as well as the US Border being secured. KJ p should host a modern version of the liars club.
SFC Ralph E Kelley A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. PO3 Shayne Seibert LTC Trent Klug CSM Charles Hayden CSM Charles Hayden SrA Bruce Banner LTC John Wilson
SFC Ralph E Kelley
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
LTC Trent Klug
5 d
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney When was the last time the "Voice of America" was relevant?
And dude, the AH reference is beyond the pale.
And dude, the AH reference is beyond the pale.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
5 d
It's Just One More Thread In The Garment Of Freedom
Which Trump's Destroying, Any Of Us Could Easily Be Next.
Which Trump's Destroying, Any Of Us Could Easily Be Next.
Posted >1 y ago
Biden lets slip during interview US low on artillery ammunition rounds as it tries to aid...
PresidentBiden said the United States is low on 155 mm artillery ammunition rounds, sparking outrage and questions of competency from conservatives on social media.
Sgt Michael Clifford
1 y
I am not saying the Bden is fit to be POTUS or C in C but I don't believe that Trump is either. I believe Rex Tillerson who was CEO of Exxon Mobile before he ws SecState when he said that Trump was a moron. I respect General Mattis who resigned as SecDef over Trump betraying the Syrian Kurds. believe Governor Christie when he claims that another Trump adinistration would be devoted to him getting revenge on everyone he felt was disloyal to him. I also expect that the democrats will spend the entire time trying to impeach him again and will stymie everything he does. A wasted 4 years, worse than wasted we would probably be regressing from our position as leader of the free world.
We need a POTUS who can and will work with all sides to make stuff happen and try to shut down the petty power plays. Nikki Haley may just be that person.
I also have no respect for Trump the person.
We need a POTUS who can and will work with all sides to make stuff happen and try to shut down the petty power plays. Nikki Haley may just be that person.
I also have no respect for Trump the person.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
1 y
Sgt Michael Clifford - I think both are too old. I would like to see some 35-55 candidates.
Capt Elmer Lupton
5 d
SFC Ralph E Kelley - We had that. Instead, we voted that gas and egg prices were too high. And that we couldn't tolerate a black woman as President.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
5 d
Sgt Michael Clifford -
I Too Have Absolutely NO Respect Nor USE
For Donald J. Trump; ~ He's Well Know To Be A
I Too Have Absolutely NO Respect Nor USE
For Donald J. Trump; ~ He's Well Know To Be A
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