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Responses: 7
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Eugene Chu Yep He's that Stupid!
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CPL LaForest Gray
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
8 mo
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen The house bill is dead on arrival and is appropriate. While the senate bill is full of dog poop and is basically an application of our sovereignty.

It's really sad when we have President Obama sending back 81% and President Biden, keeping 85% of illegal aliens.

The average 42 thousand nineteen of apprehensions under trump Was 1100 per day. Most were sent back and not given free tickets and not prioritized if they're gay.

Just think President Biden's radical democrats propose that 5000 per day or 35001 week, and then the border is closed. That is so wrong!

President biden the democrats have Abdicated the rule of law.
1SG John Millan Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Trent Klug CPT Lawrence Cable CPL LaForest Gray CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR COL Jon Thompson
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
8 mo
LTC (Join to see) Demographic destiny trumps law today.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
8 mo
Correction 2019 Trump administration caught 400k Illegal aliens. That average was 1100 per day Not the 5-10k that's been coming per day recently.

Democrats are going to lose their fanny in november over this. The George Soros open borders. Mentality is going to kill them at the polls.

Nurturing illegal aliens as future Democrat voters is not going to work!
1SG John Millan Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Trent Klug CPT Lawrence Cable CPT Lawrence Cable CPL LaForest Gray COL Jon Thompson CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
8 mo
LTC (Join to see) And YOU know it's full of dog poop how? Even those in the House haven't seen it yet. By many accounts it's based on the Border Security Bill the House passed and sent to the Senate.
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CPT Lawrence Cable
I will point out that 75% of the population of Singapore is Ethnic Chinese. Singaporean is like saying Hong Kongean. China is also its largest trading partner.
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