Posted on Jan 28, 2016
What are your best stories from Grenada, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Panama, or Somalia?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 25
Posted 9 y ago
I was in my local VFW and had this kid that serviced in Afghanistan ask me about my cold war pin I had on my hat he didn’t think I was allowed to be a VFW vet I smiled and asked him if he ever heard of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Panama, Somalia he said he knew about Somalia because he watch black hawk down but did not know we also fought in the other places makes me think what we teach are young service members about some of the place we been.
LTC (Join to see)
9 y
I think it's a matter of the way our memories perceive elapsed time. For example, while I know the date I went down to Panama, in my mind it just doesn't seem all that long ago. But after I read your post, I realized that a 25 year old soldier wasn't even born yet when Just Cause went down. That made me feel very ...old. Plus, given that we have been fighting in the ME continuosly since that 25 yo was just 10, I can see why operations that lasted weeks or months may not really register with him. And that's a sad commentary as to the military environment today's young people have grown up in.
SSG Todd Halverson
9 y
Running a convoy from Tsar Hungary to deliver vehicles to various camps in Bosnia. As we were crossing the bridge into Bosnia, the driver turns to me and asks did they turn left or right? We guessed left, but they convoy had went right. So about 1/2 went right and the rest left. Once we linked up, we started hearing unwanted noises in the not so far distance. After the convoy got lost, we stopped and asked some locals were the base was. Turns out we about 1/4 mile away.
SFC Thomas Howes
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - Tru so very true but I would hope are schools would say something about it
Posted 9 y ago
Best part of Panama was the dry season wjere it rained every day and the wet season where it rained twice a day. Lets not forget about Kosovo also.
Posted 9 y ago
There was a day, in a world far away.. where for many weeks a young Army Sergeant deployed to Panama tasked to patrol the streets and run checkpoints.. At each checkpoint, cars were searched .. Commands were given along with the universal translator.. 4 or 5 Young Army grunts with weapons and finger pointing made it happen.
It was some time later I learned I had not been telling the car drivers what I thought I had... What was intended was, Get out of the car and open the trunk.
What was said in a bad mix of spanglish as attempted by yours truly... "Get out car, and open your rear"
Hey who knew....but it does explain the funny looks.
It was some time later I learned I had not been telling the car drivers what I thought I had... What was intended was, Get out of the car and open the trunk.
What was said in a bad mix of spanglish as attempted by yours truly... "Get out car, and open your rear"
Hey who knew....but it does explain the funny looks.
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