Recent Activity -
Retired US Army All Source Master Analyst with over 25 years of experience from tactical to strategic levels. Background includes training, instruction and mentoring. CompTIA Security+ and Network+ certified and studying for my CCNA R/S, CCNA Security, CEH, CISSP and PMP.
Military Experiences
Jan 2008 - Apr 2009
S-3 Operations Sergeant Major
Served as the Battalion Training and Operations Sergeant Major of a Military Intelligence Initial Entry Training Battalion responsible for planning, directing, executing and evaluating the continuous training of 1,500 Military Occupational Specialty 35M, the Counterintelligence Special Agent Course (CISAC) and 400 permanent party, DA Civilians and US Contractors. Supervised the management of ammunition, ranges, taskings, vehicle assets, and deployments. Coordinated with four subordinate companies, three sister training battalions and the 111th MI Brigade to synchronize operations and training.
Oct 2006 - Dec 2007
Enlisted Combat Advisor
Served as the Team Intelligence Noncommissioned Officer for an 11-man, Battalion Border Transition Team. Responsible for advising, teaching, and mentoring the Intelligence Section of a 472-man Iraqi Border Police Battalion. Performed situational and targeting development and intelligence planning in support of all team missions within Diyala Province, Iraq. Coordinated for external intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance assets in support of the team's operations. Developed and managed predictive analysis tools to mitigate operational risks to the transition team. Served as team Noncommissioned Officer in Charge.
Oct 2005 - Oct 2006
Was responsible for the training and training development of newly activated Stryker Brigade Combat Teams (SBCT) in New Systems Training and Integration Office. Supervised verification and validation of training support materials and development of systems training plans. Led a section of 12 contractors who deployed worldwide to conduct and evaluate training. Planned and executed major training events for the SBCTs.
Apr 2005 - Oct 2005
Operations Sergeant Major
Served as the Operations Sergeant Major for a 376 Soldier Military Intelligence Battalion supporting the Army Intelligence Center and Fort Huachuca. Was responsible for training and operational management and support of all attached and assigned Soldiers on common Soldier skills, physical fitness, weapons qualification and Soldier development. Maintained battalion short and long range calendars, prepared training and operational briefs and coordinated unit events.
(4 years, 8 months)Dec 2009 - Feb 2011

Oct 2006 - Dec 2007

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
NCOIC and Intelligence Mentor for Border Transition Team Iraq/Iran Border.
Nov 2003 - Jan 2005

Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Sep 2006 - Jan 2007
Combat Advisor Course
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees