Posted on Aug 13, 2014
Responses: 137
I doubt it. None of use will go through the BS. WE have done enough S##T shoveling.
We can only hope that we will get a recent Veteran in as POTUS and in my opinion it can not happen soon enough. We do have a boat load of OIF/OEF (and obviously Viet Nam and Korea) Vets on Capital Hill, and certainly a couple of them certainly have potential, as long as they never forget where they came from.
Never know...? There is some potential out there I think. With all the Veterans that we have from OEF, OIF, there is bound to be a handful of people who have the burning desire to be president...
I heard somewhere the rich will wage wars and the poor will fight those wars. Its hard for me to respect someone who send us to war yet they have never or will ever wear combat boots.
I'm going to say no -- we keep electing the same families into office. We're probably going to have either another Clinton or another Bush in the White House. It seems to be a dwindling number of people that will run for president -- I'm surprised they let President Obama even get into the running. Soon, PotUS will be a dynasty, like kings.
That is, unless we do something about it. Unfortunately most people are sheep, and the ones who aren't sheep are usually apathetic or not well-connected.
That is, unless we do something about it. Unfortunately most people are sheep, and the ones who aren't sheep are usually apathetic or not well-connected.
Great book that talks about this subject!
AWOL: The Unexcused Absence of America's Upper Classes from Military Service -- and How It Hurts Our Country
AWOL: The Unexcused Absence of America's Upper Classes from Military Service -- and How It Hurts Our Country
CPO Greg Frazho
And the thing is, it didn't used to be that way. Read the story of Ted Roosevelt II. (Deputy to General Terry Allen in WWII, Medal of Honor Recipient for actions on Utah Beach.) Well-to-do son of a charismatic president, served with distinction, along with his brothers, in WWI and WWII. Didn't take the easy way out, highly respected by his men and a political threat to his distant cousin who was in office at the time of his death, FDR.
Sgt Jon Johnson
CPO Frazho,
The book goes into that...How in years past a family felt not only that is was their duty to serve the country but an honor. Somehow, we have lost those values as a country and it shows in the men/women that we now choose to run it. This isn't only about the President. Look down through the ranks of Congress/Senate/State/Local government. The amount of people that have served is a shrinking number.
The book goes into that...How in years past a family felt not only that is was their duty to serve the country but an honor. Somehow, we have lost those values as a country and it shows in the men/women that we now choose to run it. This isn't only about the President. Look down through the ranks of Congress/Senate/State/Local government. The amount of people that have served is a shrinking number.
I hope we get someone in office again with some military experience...anyone...from any conflict....please.
I would hope so but where is our President who served in Vietnam? There must be a lot of politicians from that era?

Number of veterans in Congress has fallen drastically since post-Vietnam years : News
But some expect Iraq, Afghanistan vets to add to numbers in coming years
MSG(P) Michael Warrick
Hard to say if we will ever have a President that served in OEF/OIF when the President does not even have to serve in the military to become our Commander in Chief. Only time will tell.
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