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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Apr 22, 2022
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Responses: 10
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
Thanks for sharing.
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CPT Lawrence Cable
Being around when the MRE was first introduced, the reason we all liked the hot sauce is that with enough hot sauce and cheese spread, you could eat a piece of wood. Wood would have been easier to eat and taste better than the Freeze -Dried Beef and Pork Patties. Enough hot sauce on the original omelet at least made it consumable.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Interesting article on MRE's , I liked the old C-Rations, that was where they should have started with the Tabasco sauce RallyPoint Shared Content
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Recalling MRE-related Food Fights From Recent History
Sgt Self Employed
They need to bring back the Five Fingers of Death.
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SFC Jaysin Smith
You guys are forgetting the core value of the MRE, to fuck with your buddies! THE MRE HEATER BOMB!!! I personally didn't mind the MREs all except the green eggs and ham. The rest was fine and some of the stews and pasta main courses were a fav of quite a few grunts I pounded ground with. The heater bomb though! Where do I begin? New guy in your unit, 100mph tape and some soda in the heater u der his bed when he's sleeping so nicely in his fart sack. Or one of your buddies out on a bivvy! Toss it into his hooch and he won't ever miss his fireguard detail again! And for added torment, and a flare of chemical warfare, add in a few of those baby tobacco bottles you've been saving Incase u get a shit meal and have to burn your taste buds off to get it down. Dump those cute little chemical weapons into your MRE bomb, seal it up nice and tight then throw it under the stall when a buddy is peacefully taking a nasty ass shit that smells so bad that his brown beast could make an onion weep! Ah, an ode to the MRE heater bomb, used in training sometimes because you wanted to ring the bells of a tanker friend. Dropped into an APC/MRAP or Stryker. Or simply because of our juvenile yet comical snese of amusement that kept us entertained for the life of our 3 min. Attention span. And the retort to the cries of some butthurt young soldier who complains about our juvenile antic's. "Suck it up fuckstick... If you don't like it you should have stayed the fuck home." And the wait... Always the wait for the retaliation and for someone to give you your very own heater bomb at the most unexpected of times. You can gauge how much your bros love you by the amount of burn you get in your eyes from the numerous bottles of tobacco they squirreled away (sacrificing a horrible taste) just to bring a tear to your eye and a laugh at your expense. R.L.T.W.
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Sgt Mervyn Russell
In My time we had C-rations, it was ham and lima beans, we had another name for them, which I will not mention here. We also had other choices, with which you didn't get a choice, it was what it was. There was no food truck that made it's rounds that you could buy from. And I'm sure it we had it better than the generation before us. I'm not coming down on the generations after myself, I'm very pleased that you have better food than we did or should I say better choices.
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PO1 Gery Bastiani
from Dec.26,1992 to April 1993 while I was with NMCB 1 in Somalia we ate MRE's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. cruel and unusual punishment I'd say
Sgt Self Employed
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PO1 Gery Bastiani Same thing in Iraq. Nothing better than Chili Mac for breakfast.
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SFC Allen Murphy
I saw "MRE Food Fights" and my mind instantly went to the literal MRE food fight I was a part of during an NTC rotation back in, I beleive, 1998. We were doing the super police call of the entiore training area after our rotation in the box. Came across piles upon piles of MRE trash scatter all over the place by some shitbag Cav unit. Policed up all the trash into the back of LMTVs. As we were heading back to the rear someone in the LMTV in front of us lobbed an open sack of an unknonwn MRE at the truck I was in and it hit and spalttered a troop in the open back. Of coure we retaliate and got our driver to get along side the other truck and the slinging of MREs begins. Hands full of Chicken ala King, Spagetti, and who knows what eles. It was quite the mess. Good times!
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Sgt Mervyn Russell
Food fights, in my day, we had C-rations, No MRE's. Don't even know when the MRE's came out. can you imagine throwing a can of C-rations?
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Why did the little Tabasco sauce bottles disappear?

I have always been a stickler to fairness. For example, soldiers who worked weekends got a couple days off during the week. What was the result? We always had soldiers volunteering for weekend duty.

I told soldiers to grab an MRE and take off. There is no cherry picking. What was the result? The last soldier to pick up an MRE did not get screwed.
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