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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Jan 12, 2015
CSM David Heidke
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CMSgt James Nolan
CSM David Heidke It is absolutely an accurate statement that one career or the other may suffer. Even working for the government, I have experienced that (from a former Ranger no less).

Really makes you feel good when your boss in a meeting with the entire staff tells you that "you need to decide if you are playing Air Force or Marine or whatever the f#ck or if you are going to work here". You really get a good feeling.

Then (job was secure), when you are putting in for jobs within the agency, and you don't get them, transitional assignments come out and you don't get them, important duties pass you by, you wonder if that is the cause....that feeling is hard to lose.

Flip side is that new boss comes in, former military as well, and while you are deployed, you put in for a promotion, and get it (while deployed), makes you sort of forget the first boss who did not understand what is up, and really appreciate a boss who does get it.

I understand the difficulty of the employer with military employees, it does cause hardship. But our Nation does need the Reserves and Guard, does need those who will walk away from everything they love and put it all on the line for their Nation. Those folks (and I am one) need to know that their job is there when they come home. And you are correct in that there comes a point when decisions must be made about the "worth" of a dual career. It is not one weekend a month anymore, not by a longshot. But, it is worth it.

The best thing that I have found, is to be completely transparent with both my civilian and military employers about what is going on, from both perspectives. Having a boss that truly supports military is fantastic, and I hope to keep it that way. As soon as I hear grumblings about something on either side, I let the other know.

The truly hard part is that both bosses want you to feel that their issues to be the important ones.....and you have to figure out how to make them know that you do feel that way.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
9 y
I was a Special Education teacher that during my deployments resigned my teaching position so that a Special Education teacher could be hired to take my spot instead of having a temp teacher; my students deserved it.
LTC Chief Of Public Affairs And Protocol
LTC (Join to see)
9 y
I wish this were not true. I have even recently been asked by my Active Duty boss about and conditions of employment that he might use to force my hand about my Reserve duty. SMH
MSG Mechanic 2nd
MSG (Join to see)
9 y
i'm blue collar never had this happen in 90-91 or 08-09
MSG Mechanic 2nd
MSG (Join to see)
9 y
although went on a job interview and my reserve service was brought up, of course i did'nt get the job and i knew it from the look on the hr reps face, guardian glass, went next door to my current employer for over 10 years
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SGT Edward Wilcox
I was recently released early from a temporary position a week before reporting for my Annual Training. I knew my employer was being pressured by the client to reduce the number of workers on the project, and while it was never said out loud, I was left with the impression that I was selected due to the fact that I was going to be gone for 2 weeks. As a result, I was left unemployed after returning from AT. While most employers talk a good game, I can't help but wonder how many opportunities I have lost because they were uneasy about my military obligations. I have had my own soldiers put their civilian jobs over their military jobs simply because of the poor job market and not wanting to risk losing their civilian positions. I feel that a strengthening of the SSRA is needed, so that younger soldiers can feel a bit more secure.
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CW3 Network Architect
After 13 years of similar treatment, I've finally found an employer for whom "supporting the troops" is much more than lip service: Booz Allen Hamilton.
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